Ye of little faith? The tax loophole that turns old pubs into places of worship

A complex corporate network is enabling big landlords to avoid business rates by claiming religious exemption – and costing cash-strapped councils millionsThe windows are painted over, the woodwork is rotting and weeds have sprouted through the paving outside.The former Duke of York pub in Clapham, south London, is not in the best of shape. It certainly does not look like somewhere used for regular prayer services. Continue reading...

Mar 23, 2025 - 09:19
Ye of little faith? The tax loophole that turns old pubs into places of worship

A complex corporate network is enabling big landlords to avoid business rates by claiming religious exemption – and costing cash-strapped councils millions

The windows are painted over, the woodwork is rotting and weeds have sprouted through the paving outside.

The former Duke of York pub in Clapham, south London, is not in the best of shape. It certainly does not look like somewhere used for regular prayer services. Continue reading...