The Best 11 Alfred Hitchcock Movies Ranked
I remember being like ten years old when I saw North by Northwest, and my whole world changed. When I found out the guy who made that movie made more movies, I was chomping at the bit to rent them all. And for just a dollar for every movie at the Exton Library, I was able to fulfill that dream. Well, I was able to rent dozens of them. The rest I had to find on Criterion later in life. Hitchcock's films are best enjoyed by exploring them yourself. But this is my list of the eleven movies I enjoy the most. Let me know what you think in the comments. 1. North by NorthwestAs I said above, this movie hit me so hard when I saw it for the first time, and I think I am always working to recreate that feeling with my own work. 2. Rear WindowFrom start to finish, a perfect movie. It is so intense and so intensely funny that you're on the edge of your seat while also swimming in delicious banter. The movie is a masterclass in suspense, using a confined setting to create tension.3. VertigoA psychological thriller often cited for its artistic depth and complex themes. Every time I watch this movie, I notice something new. From its use of color to the performances to the nimble direction, it deserves all the accolades. 4. PsychoThis was my introduction to the horror genre when I was like 12. It was such a scary movie as a kid, and even as an adult, there's an "anything can happen" quality to the story that absolutely inspired me. 5. Strangers on a TrainI caught this on the big screen at the New Beverly last year, and it was so much fun. I love hearing people's reactions to the plot twists and turns in this story. It's Hitch having a blast, and so is his cast. 6. The BirdsI have a special place for this movie in my heart as well. I just love how Hitchcock takes the movie so seriously and moves it so slowly. It never becomes an unhinged monster movie; we just slowly realize how outnumbered our characters are as they move deeper into this dystopia. 7. NotoriousCary Grant and Ingrid Bergman carry this spy movie. Hitchcock totally understands espionage and how it needs to be both sexy and thrilling. 8. Shadow of a DoubtHitchcock's personal favorite film. I love the idea of an Uncle coming to visit a family and there being sinister suspicions about him. This movie plays with your emotions and your preconceived notions about people. 9. RopeA movie told in a series of long takes. I love what's done with the character development and how the timing of the movie allows these people to mentally unravel after a murder. 10. SuspicionHitchcock expertly crafts a sense of creeping dread as we wonder if our lead will be killed off for her inheritance. This movie creeps forward and has one of my favorite shots, as Cary Grant carries a glass of milk up the stairs, and we all wonder if it's been poisoned. 11. SaboteurHitchcock seems like he was the original set-piece director. The climax of this movie takes place on top of the Statue of Liberty, but there are several other cool scenes like the circus sideshow and everything inside the blind man's house. Summing Up The Top Alfred Hitchcock MoviesI find immense comfort in Alfred Hitchcock movies, even the messed-up ones. For me, I feel like he's in such control of each movie that you just have to give yourself up to the story and let him carry you. There are so many great Hitchcock movies, I will not be offended if your top movies are not my own. So don't send me any mean emails. Just watch a ton of his movies and love them. And let me know what you think in the comments.

I remember being like ten years old when I saw North by Northwest, and my whole world changed. When I found out the guy who made that movie made more movies, I was chomping at the bit to rent them all.
And for just a dollar for every movie at the Exton Library, I was able to fulfill that dream. Well, I was able to rent dozens of them. The rest I had to find on Criterion later in life.
Hitchcock's films are best enjoyed by exploring them yourself. But this is my list of the eleven movies I enjoy the most.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
1. North by Northwest
As I said above, this movie hit me so hard when I saw it for the first time, and I think I am always working to recreate that feeling with my own work.
2. Rear Window
From start to finish, a perfect movie. It is so intense and so intensely funny that you're on the edge of your seat while also swimming in delicious banter. The movie is a masterclass in suspense, using a confined setting to create tension.
3. Vertigo
A psychological thriller often cited for its artistic depth and complex themes. Every time I watch this movie, I notice something new. From its use of color to the performances to the nimble direction, it deserves all the accolades.
4. Psycho
This was my introduction to the horror genre when I was like 12. It was such a scary movie as a kid, and even as an adult, there's an "anything can happen" quality to the story that absolutely inspired me.
5. Strangers on a Train
I caught this on the big screen at the New Beverly last year, and it was so much fun. I love hearing people's reactions to the plot twists and turns in this story. It's Hitch having a blast, and so is his cast.
6. The Birds
I have a special place for this movie in my heart as well. I just love how Hitchcock takes the movie so seriously and moves it so slowly. It never becomes an unhinged monster movie; we just slowly realize how outnumbered our characters are as they move deeper into this dystopia.
7. Notorious
Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman carry this spy movie. Hitchcock totally understands espionage and how it needs to be both sexy and thrilling.
8. Shadow of a Doubt
Hitchcock's personal favorite film. I love the idea of an Uncle coming to visit a family and there being sinister suspicions about him. This movie plays with your emotions and your preconceived notions about people.
9. Rope
A movie told in a series of long takes. I love what's done with the character development and how the timing of the movie allows these people to mentally unravel after a murder.
10. Suspicion
Hitchcock expertly crafts a sense of creeping dread as we wonder if our lead will be killed off for her inheritance. This movie creeps forward and has one of my favorite shots, as Cary Grant carries a glass of milk up the stairs, and we all wonder if it's been poisoned.
11. Saboteur
Hitchcock seems like he was the original set-piece director. The climax of this movie takes place on top of the Statue of Liberty, but there are several other cool scenes like the circus sideshow and everything inside the blind man's house.
Summing Up The Top Alfred Hitchcock Movies
I find immense comfort in Alfred Hitchcock movies, even the messed-up ones. For me, I feel like he's in such control of each movie that you just have to give yourself up to the story and let him carry you.
There are so many great Hitchcock movies, I will not be offended if your top movies are not my own. So don't send me any mean emails. Just watch a ton of his movies and love them.
And let me know what you think in the comments.