Sick and Tired, Optimize Fertility | THRR193
Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: Milton Friedman – The Folly of Price Controls Elon Musk X post price gouging is a nonsense narrative Show Notes: Lily Nichols Weston A Price: In Pursuit of Healthy Fertility Rucking 101 Questions: Fertility Supplements Tyler writes: … Continue Reading

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News Topic:
Milton Friedman – The Folly of Price Controls
price gouging is a nonsense narrative
Show Notes:
Weston A Price: In Pursuit of Healthy Fertility
Fertility Supplements
Tyler writes:
Hey Rob & Nikki, thanks for podcast I’ve been listening since the start and appreciate your takes on all topics in health and beyond!
I’m 34 years old and my wife is 31. We are going to start to try to get pregnant in a few months and want to get your advice on supplementation. My wife has been taking hart and soils “her package” supplement. Is there validity in taking reproductive organs to help with fertility ? We love their beef organ supplements but I want to know if there’s actual science to back the claim with the reproductive organs help.
We are very health conscious and take supplements according to our bi-annual bloodwork done by our naturopath. But would like to know if you have any general advice to help us be as fertile as possible going onto the process.
Thanks for everything
London Ontario Canada
Trying to Start a New Life
Matt writes:
In a nut shell, I haven’t exercised consistently in 13 years, my liver enzymes suggested fatty liver about 10 years ago, I’ve been a 10+ drink a night alcoholic for nearly 3 years. I’m 6ft and 325lbs.
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’m three days sober, and trying to work out and diet to save my life.
The amount of information on the web on what diet to go on and how to exercise is like drinking from the fire hose.
Hoping you could point me in a generalized or even a very specific direction.
Thank you!
The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT.
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