Заканчиваются сборы на Ancient Blood - The Order of Vampire Hunters
В ближайшие дни закроется пледж менеджер на игру Ancient Blood - The Order of Vampire Hunters Это улучшенное продолжение (точнее, приквел) к The Order of Vampire Hunters. Сюжетная игра для 1-4 игроков, в которую можно играть как в отдельных партиях, так и в кампании. Выберите историю и начните свое путешествие. Будьте храбры и мудры, так как каждый выбор, который вы сделаете на своем пути, повлияет на игровой мир. Неправильное решение может пробудить ваши самые потаенные страхи.Сражайтесь бок о бок со своими товарищами-охотниками так яростно, как никогда раньше, применяя комбо-атаки. Получайте помощь от местных жителей, используйте свои навыки, и найдите все подсказки, которые приведут вас к мастеру каждого клана вампиров, Старшему Лорду. Каждая история имеет ветвящуюся структуру с множественными выборами, что добавляет нарратива и создает интересную историю персонажа, позволяя игроку значительно влиять на ее ход. Такая структура обеспечивает отличную реиграбельность. Каждая история может развиваться по-разному, в зависимости от выбора, который игроки делают на своем пути по мере продвижения к эпическому финалу. Та же схема с несколькими вариантами выбора присутствует и на картах локаций, которые составляют различные деревни, которые игроки найдут по пути. Все карты локаций вместе взятые дадут игрокам сотни различных путей. Ancient Blood - это приквел к The Order of Vampire Hunters. В нем есть некоторые игровые механики, вдохновленные старой игрой, но это новая игра. Она несовместима с предыдущей, так как Ancient Blood - это сюжетная игра, в которой ваше решение повлияет на развитие игры и конец истории. В новой игре представлены функции исследования, крафта, управления ресурсами и повышения уровня. На этот раз ваши решения изменят сюжет игры, так что будьте готовы иметь дело с последствиями вашего выбора. О геймплее (там много текста, а времени не хватает, так что просто скопировал видео и какие там фичи - прим.) Ancient Blood the Order of Vampire Hunters is a fully cooperative story-driven game. The Players control one or more Vampire Hunters to track down and slay different vampire clans through a series of stories. In each story, the Hunters travel through different locations to reach their final objective. During their journey, the Hunter will face situations that require a choice. These choices will lead the Hunters in different directions with different threats to face. The Hunters will find many different villages on their way. In a village they can find clues, eat and rest, buy or sell Items, cure turned Hunters, and build powerful weapons. Some of the locations have events that must be resolved by making a series of choices resulting in different outcomes which can be beneficial or detrimental. Each Hunter has his own deck of Special Ability cards, depending on its class. Hunters start the game with 2 of them and they can learn new abilities and get more cards during the game. To access their powers, Players must combine 2 or more Special Ability cards according to the interlocking symbols. The Hunters must inject 1 Vial of vampire blood per each special ability he intends to use in a specific action. To inject a Vial of vampire blood, the Player places a Vial token on the ability, then he performs the action. When the action is over, flip the token on his empty side, and place it on the injected Vial location on the Hunter Dashboard. Be careful, too much vampire blood in your veins may turn you into a Vampire! Throughout the story, the Hunters will find various parchment cards. They are ancient manuscripts that illustrate how to build powerful weapons. After the Hunters have collected all necessary materials, they will still need the help of a Blacksmith to create the weapons! Combat is a two-step process where the active character makes an attack and the target defends itself. Both steps involve dice rolls that are added to base bonuses. Fast Vampires can be easily killed with fast weapons but Hunters need weapons that deal higher damage to kill tough Vampires. Players need to build their strategy based on the Vampires they are facing and be ready to change it if a different enemy appears. In the direst situations Players need to coordinate their moves to use the Combined Attack cards that allow their Hunters to cooperate during the combat to inflict the maximum amount of damage. Players roll the colored dice as indicated on the weapon and add the symbols rolled to the symbols on the attacker board. Rolling attack dice result in Speed or Hit. For the attack to succeed at all, it must meet the Minimum Attack Speed Required (MASR) on the defender card. If this condition is not satisfied, the Attack fails and the Action is lost. Fast vampires have higher MASR, so Players will need a hunter with a fast weapon. Tough Vampires are slower, so the MASR is lower, but they have tough armor, so Players will need a Hunter with a weapon d

![]() | В ближайшие дни закроется пледж менеджер на игру Ancient Blood - The Order of Vampire Hunters
Это улучшенное продолжение (точнее, приквел) к The Order of Vampire Hunters. Сюжетная игра для 1-4 игроков, в которую можно играть как в отдельных партиях, так и в кампании. Выберите историю и начните свое путешествие.
Будьте храбры и мудры, так как каждый выбор, который вы сделаете на своем пути, повлияет на игровой мир. Неправильное решение может пробудить ваши самые потаенные страхи.
Каждая история имеет ветвящуюся структуру с множественными выборами, что добавляет нарратива и создает интересную историю персонажа, позволяя игроку значительно влиять на ее ход. Такая структура обеспечивает отличную реиграбельность.
Ancient Blood - это приквел к The Order of Vampire Hunters. В нем есть некоторые игровые механики, вдохновленные старой игрой, но это новая игра. Она несовместима с предыдущей, так как Ancient Blood - это сюжетная игра, в которой ваше решение повлияет на развитие игры и конец истории. В новой игре представлены функции исследования, крафта, управления ресурсами и повышения уровня. На этот раз ваши решения изменят сюжет игры, так что будьте готовы иметь дело с последствиями вашего выбора.
О геймплее (там много текста, а времени не хватает, так что просто скопировал видео и какие там фичи - прим.)
Ancient Blood the Order of Vampire Hunters is a fully cooperative story-driven game. The Players control one or more Vampire Hunters to track down and slay different vampire clans through a series of stories.
In each story, the Hunters travel through different locations to reach their final objective. During their journey, the Hunter will face situations that require a choice. These choices will lead the Hunters in different directions with different threats to face.
The Hunters will find many different villages on their way. In a village they can find clues, eat and rest, buy or sell Items, cure turned Hunters, and build powerful weapons.
Some of the locations have events that must be resolved by making a series of choices resulting in different outcomes which can be beneficial or detrimental.
Each Hunter has his own deck of Special Ability cards, depending on its class. Hunters start the game with 2 of them and they can learn new abilities and get more cards during the game.
To access their powers, Players must combine 2 or more Special Ability cards according to the interlocking symbols. The Hunters must inject 1 Vial of vampire blood per each special ability he intends to use in a specific action. To inject a Vial of vampire blood, the Player places a Vial token on the ability, then he performs the action. When the action is over, flip the token on his empty side, and place it on the injected Vial location on the Hunter Dashboard.
Be careful, too much vampire blood in your veins may turn you into a Vampire!
Throughout the story, the Hunters will find various parchment cards. They are ancient manuscripts that illustrate how to build powerful weapons. After the Hunters have collected all necessary materials, they will still need the help of a Blacksmith to create the weapons!
Combat is a two-step process where the active character makes an attack and the target defends itself. Both steps involve dice rolls that are added to base bonuses.
Fast Vampires can be easily killed with fast weapons but Hunters need weapons that deal higher damage to kill tough Vampires. Players need to build their strategy based on the Vampires they are facing and be ready to change it if a different enemy appears.
In the direst situations Players need to coordinate their moves to use the Combined Attack cards that allow their Hunters to cooperate during the combat to inflict the maximum amount of damage.
Players roll the colored dice as indicated on the weapon and add the symbols rolled to the symbols on the attacker board. Rolling attack dice result in Speed or Hit. For the attack to succeed at all, it must meet the Minimum Attack Speed Required (MASR) on the defender card. If this condition is not satisfied, the Attack fails and the Action is lost. Fast vampires have higher MASR, so Players will need a hunter with a fast weapon.
Tough Vampires are slower, so the MASR is lower, but they have tough armor, so Players will need a Hunter with a weapon dealing higher damage. If the attack meets the MASR value, then the defender rolls his dice and may roll either shields or dodges. The result is added to the symbols on the defender's card.
Speed symbols cancel dodges symbols. Shields and remaining dodges cancel hits. Any remaining hits score wounds.
When Hunters reach the Elder location, they will face the Vampire Clan they have been hunting in the story: the Elder and his 2 vicious adepts. The Elder works differently from the other enemies. On the Elder sheet there are 4 slots for 4 different cards. These 4 cards are his abilities and his life level. Every time the Elder attacks or defends, he uses all the available special abilities. On each card there is an icon which defines the health points of the card. The Total Health points of the Elder are given by the sum of the health points of the 4 cards. To defeat the Elder, the Hunters must destroy each single card. When a card reaches zero heal point is flipped and the ability of that card is no longer available. When all the 4 cards are flipped, the Elder is defeated.
Are you ready for the HUNT?
Автор: Siar Игра: Ancient Blood |