Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett Search for Answers in This Underrated True Story Thriller on Hulu
Truth is a highly informative examination of a major controversy on 60 Minutes in 2004.

Hollywood has a long history of making films about journalism, as classics like All the President’s Men and The China Syndrome presented reporters in a heroic light during a period in history when viewers desperately wanted honesty. America’s relationship with the news media has rapidly changed over the next several decades, resulting in a journalistic industry that is more divided than ever before. While reactions to news controversies can be overblown at the time that they emerge, it is often worth it to reflect on these instances and examine what the real motivations were. Truth is a highly informative examination of a major controversy on 60 Minutes in 2004 that had a significant impact on the reelection of President George W. Bush.