QOTD: Should Drivers With Suspended Licenses Get Another Chance?
Now it's your turn. What say you?

The state of Washington might pass a bill allowing drivers who have had their license suspended to continue driving, with a condition -- technology would limit their speeds.
Is this a good idea?
I am, generally, a bleeding heart that prefers forgiveness -- but my tolerance for malfeasance only goes so far. So I'd go case-by-case on this. An unlucky leadfoot who's been popped for speeding a few too many times should get a second chance. Street racers or those who are tearing around residential neighborhoods at triple-digit speeds, maybe not.
The bill also says it would define "excessive speeding" as 20 mph over the limit and it appears that being found guilty of that along with other infractions could get the speed-limiter slapped on your car.
Now it's your turn. What say you?
Sound off below.
[Image: Armands Photography/Shutterstock.com]
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