PFAS in Contact Lenses, Choosing a Functional Doc | THRR191
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PFOAS in Contacts
Chrissy writes:
Good day,
I know pfoas are everywhere but contacts too! I hate wearing glasses. Additionally most are UV blocking, which is something I want in my eyes. Should contacts be ditched! What do you or your family do?
Choosing a Functional Doc
Chris writes:
Long time fan boy… Any advice on picking a good functional medicine doctor in my local area? Google search? Anything to look for, or look out for?
I found a local MD with a long time in family medicine, who transitioned to integrative holistic medicine about 10 years ago, and then got an ABoIM about 5 years ago. I can only assume that ABoIM is a board certificate of some kind? Sounds like integrative medicine is similar to functional medicine?
I ask because I have become a moody AF little bitch after a year on a statin. My original family doc and my precision health report says the cholesterol is on the risky to highly risky side of things. I have always wanted to get off of the statin, and try the PCSK9 inhibitor you discussed some months back. Finally aiming to start that transition. Any help or advice on doc selection is appreciated!
Chris R
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