Over 43 Years Ago, Sci-Fi Movies Gave Fans a Moment That May Never Happen Again

The summer of 1982 featured an unparalleled level of acclaimed science fiction classics that are still beloved today.

Feb 18, 2025 - 02:36
Over 43 Years Ago, Sci-Fi Movies Gave Fans a Moment That May Never Happen Again

The combined success of Jawsand Star Wars: Episode IV-A New Hope in the late 1970s created a significant shift in the way that Hollywood developed its upcoming projects, bringing the “New Hollywood” era to a screeching halt. Every studio was desperate to find their own blockbuster title that could create a similar sensation, but that didn’t mean that the storytelling behind these films was entirely cynical. The success that both Steven Spielbergand George Lucasreceived resulted from the artistic freedom that they were given, indicating that studios would benefit from essentially giving auteur directors “blank checks” to pursue their wildest ambitions.The summer of 1982 featured an unparalleled level of acclaimed science fiction classics that are still beloved today, and it is unlikely that there will ever be a sensation like it ever again.