News Desktop App Built with Go and React
Recently, I started self-learning full-stack development and experimented with the Wails framework. I ended up creating a desktop application for viewing news. For those looking to learn full-stack development, this project could be a helpful reference. Tech Stack Wails (Cross-platform desktop development) Go (Backend) React (Frontend) Features Fetch and view global news Support for configuring news data sources Multi-language support Cross-platform: Desktop and Web versions Project link (GitHub): mjiee/world-news

Recently, I started self-learning full-stack development and experimented with the Wails framework. I ended up creating a desktop application for viewing news. For those looking to learn full-stack development, this project could be a helpful reference.
Tech Stack
- Wails (Cross-platform desktop development)
- Go (Backend)
- React (Frontend)
- Fetch and view global news
- Support for configuring news data sources
- Multi-language support
- Cross-platform: Desktop and Web versions
Project link (GitHub): mjiee/world-news