Negeri Sembilan JPJ hauls up over 400 goods vehicles
The Negeri Sembilan road transport department (JPJ) has hauled up 405 goods vehicles for various violations in a four-day exercise targeting commercial vehicles as part of the department’s Chinese New Year special operation, Bernama reports. […] The post Negeri Sembilan JPJ hauls up over 400 goods vehicles appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.

The Negeri Sembilan road transport department (JPJ) has hauled up 405 goods vehicles for various violations in a four-day exercise targeting commercial vehicles as part of the department’s Chinese New Year special operation, Bernama reports.
State JPJ director Hanif Yusabra Yusuf said 1,870 vehicles were inspected during the operation, which took place on January 27-28 and February 1-2.
“During the inspections, 1,006 violations were detected. The most common offences included vehicle technical issues (230 notices), driving without a licence (159), driving without insurance (132) and expired vehicle licence (127),” he said in a recent statement, adding that 19 vehicles were impounded, including 13 for being on the road during the prohibited period.
Hanif Yusabra said that compliance with the goods vehicle driving ban during the festive season remained low, with many drivers unaware about the restrictions.
He explained that the operation is part of JPJ’s efforts to reduce traffic congestion and prevent road accidents caused by the mixing of goods and private vehicles during the holiday season.
“Such operations will continue to ensure road safety, especially during peak holiday periods when private vehicles are more prevalent,” he said.
The post Negeri Sembilan JPJ hauls up over 400 goods vehicles appeared first on Paul Tan's Automotive News.