Mystified by Serco’s mission statement | Brief letters
Gaie Delap | Outwitting teacher | Keyboard v pen | No Paddington | God and Trump | Defining Maga Your report about the extension of Gaie Delap’s prison term because she was “unlawfully at large” while waiting for Serco to find a tag for her (Just Stop Oil protester, 78, has jail term extended after no suitable tag found, 25 January) led me to Serco’s website. Here it claims: “We bring together the right people, the right technology and the right partners to create innovative solutions”. It’s terrifying to think what it looks like when it gets things wrong.Sara DaviesIlminster, Somerset• A school report when I was 14 read: “He still adopts the childish pose that the supreme art of the schoolboy is to outwit the master and do as little work as possible.” Having retained this pose for well over 50 years, I am glad to see that it still persists in so many contributors to the letters page (23 January). What satisfaction is greater than outwitting the master, whatever the context?Adrian WardSeaford, East Sussex Continue reading...

Gaie Delap | Outwitting teacher | Keyboard v pen | No Paddington | God and Trump | Defining Maga
Your report about the extension of Gaie Delap’s prison term because she was “unlawfully at large” while waiting for Serco to find a tag for her (Just Stop Oil protester, 78, has jail term extended after no suitable tag found, 25 January) led me to Serco’s website. Here it claims: “We bring together the right people, the right technology and the right partners to create innovative solutions”. It’s terrifying to think what it looks like when it gets things wrong.
Sara Davies
Ilminster, Somerset
• A school report when I was 14 read: “He still adopts the childish pose that the supreme art of the schoolboy is to outwit the master and do as little work as possible.” Having retained this pose for well over 50 years, I am glad to see that it still persists in so many contributors to the letters page (23 January). What satisfaction is greater than outwitting the master, whatever the context?
Adrian Ward
Seaford, East Sussex Continue reading...