Meta says contributors will not be able to submit Community Notes on ads "to start with", but they can submit them on posts by politicians and public figures (Meta)

Meta: Meta says contributors will not be able to submit Community Notes on ads “to start with”, but they can submit them on posts by politicians and public figures  — uploads/2025/03/Community-Notes-Launch- Date-Announcement_Header.mp4  —  Takeaways

Mar 13, 2025 - 14:06
Meta says contributors will not be able to submit Community Notes on ads "to start with", but they can submit them on posts by politicians and public figures (Meta)

Meta says contributors will not be able to submit Community Notes on ads “to start with”, but they can submit them on posts by politicians and public figures  — uploads/2025/03/Community-Notes-Launch- Date-Announcement_Header.mp4  —  Takeaways