Magic The Gathering X Final Fantasy First Reveal: See All Of The Cards Now

16 games in one set...The next big Magic: The Gathering crossover set is coming soon, as Final Fantasy joins the MTG universe on June 13. Today, Wizards Of The Coast has revealed the first cards we've ever seen from the upcoming set, which will include all 16 mainline Final Fantasy games, its characters, and its iconic scenes, and we have every card revealed right here.This livestream comes after the lead commander cards from the four MTGxFF Commander Decks were unveiled via IGN yesterday. Each deck is themed around one of the Final Fantasy games--Final Fantasy VI, VII, X, and XIV to be specific--with the lead commanders being heroes from those games: Terra, Cloud, Tidus, and Y'shtola. A selection of these cards will also be available in the digital Magic: The Gathering Arena.Magic: The Gathering's Final Fantasy set is scheduled to launch June 13, with prerelease events slated for June 6-8 at local game stores and hobby shops. Preorders are available now. Terra, Herald Of HopeTerra is the main commander for the Final Fantasy VI-themed Commander Deck, Revival Trance. Cloud, Ex-SOLDIERCloud serves as the commander for Limit Break, the Final Fantasy VII-themed Commander Deck. Tidus, Yuna's GuardianThe Final Fantasy X commander deck, Counter Blitz, is led by this Tidus card. Y'shtola, Night's BlessedThe final commander deck, Scions and Spellcraft, is themed around Final Fantasy XIV, and its commander is Y'shtola, Night's Blessed. Jumbo CactuarThe Jumbo Cactuar comes in normal and special borderless art, and it can eliminate any creature every time it attacks. TonberryThe iconic Tonberry is a mono-black creature that takes an extra turn to get going, but when it does, any creature that steps in front of it will die before Tonberry takes any damage. Stiltzkin, Moogle MerchantMoogles are confirmed to be a new creature type with this set, and Stiltzkin is the first one to represent the cuddly creatures. Sazh's ChocoboThe bright yellow Chocobos are also confirmed, and the livestream says Chocobos will use the Landfall mechanic, like Sazh's Chocobo here. Sidequest: Catch A Fish // Cooking CampsiteA new Sidequest subset of cards will start as enchantments, but once the "quest" has been completed, you can flip it for a different effect. Catch A Fish, for example, turns into a land. Sin, Spira's PunishmentFinal Fantasy X's major threat Sin will appear in three different treatments, including the unique Woodblock treatment. Summon: ShivaSummons will be represented as a new card combination: Saga Creatures. Cards like Shiva will be able to attack and block like creatures, while also moving through chapters like Sagas, and when the final chapter hits, it will be sacrificed. Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of EldSome character cards will be double-sided and able to transform after fulfilling certain parameters. Emet-Selch, for instance, can transform into Hades once the graveyard has enough cards in it. Garland, Knight of Cornelia // Chaos, the EndlessGarland, meanwhile, will transform into Chaos once the mana cost is paid. Before that, Garland is a powerful surveil creature that can rip through your deck with every noncreature spell. Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed PaladinFinal Fantasy IV's Cecil, shown here in a unique borderless treatment with the game's logo behind him, can transform from his Dark Knight form to his Paladin form. Yuffie // Dragon of Mount GulgFinal Fantasy: Through The Ages is a 60-card bonus sheet of reprints from the MTG universe featuring official art from the Final Fantasy franchise through the years. The first two revealed were Yuffie andthe Dragon of Mount Gulg.

Feb 18, 2025 - 22:36
Magic The Gathering X Final Fantasy First Reveal: See All Of The Cards Now

16 games in one set...

The next big Magic: The Gathering crossover set is coming soon, as Final Fantasy joins the MTG universe on June 13. Today, Wizards Of The Coast has revealed the first cards we've ever seen from the upcoming set, which will include all 16 mainline Final Fantasy games, its characters, and its iconic scenes, and we have every card revealed right here.

This livestream comes after the lead commander cards from the four MTGxFF Commander Decks were unveiled via IGN yesterday. Each deck is themed around one of the Final Fantasy games--Final Fantasy VI, VII, X, and XIV to be specific--with the lead commanders being heroes from those games: Terra, Cloud, Tidus, and Y'shtola. A selection of these cards will also be available in the digital Magic: The Gathering Arena.

Magic: The Gathering's Final Fantasy set is scheduled to launch June 13, with prerelease events slated for June 6-8 at local game stores and hobby shops. Preorders are available now.

Terra, Herald Of Hope

Terra is the main commander for the Final Fantasy VI-themed Commander Deck, Revival Trance.


Cloud serves as the commander for Limit Break, the Final Fantasy VII-themed Commander Deck.

Tidus, Yuna's Guardian

The Final Fantasy X commander deck, Counter Blitz, is led by this Tidus card.

Y'shtola, Night's Blessed

The final commander deck, Scions and Spellcraft, is themed around Final Fantasy XIV, and its commander is Y'shtola, Night's Blessed.

Jumbo Cactuar

The Jumbo Cactuar comes in normal and special borderless art, and it can eliminate any creature every time it attacks.


The iconic Tonberry is a mono-black creature that takes an extra turn to get going, but when it does, any creature that steps in front of it will die before Tonberry takes any damage.

Stiltzkin, Moogle Merchant

Moogles are confirmed to be a new creature type with this set, and Stiltzkin is the first one to represent the cuddly creatures.

Sazh's Chocobo

The bright yellow Chocobos are also confirmed, and the livestream says Chocobos will use the Landfall mechanic, like Sazh's Chocobo here.

Sidequest: Catch A Fish // Cooking Campsite

A new Sidequest subset of cards will start as enchantments, but once the "quest" has been completed, you can flip it for a different effect. Catch A Fish, for example, turns into a land.

Sin, Spira's Punishment

Final Fantasy X's major threat Sin will appear in three different treatments, including the unique Woodblock treatment.

Summon: Shiva

Summons will be represented as a new card combination: Saga Creatures. Cards like Shiva will be able to attack and block like creatures, while also moving through chapters like Sagas, and when the final chapter hits, it will be sacrificed.

Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld

Some character cards will be double-sided and able to transform after fulfilling certain parameters. Emet-Selch, for instance, can transform into Hades once the graveyard has enough cards in it.

Garland, Knight of Cornelia // Chaos, the Endless

Garland, meanwhile, will transform into Chaos once the mana cost is paid. Before that, Garland is a powerful surveil creature that can rip through your deck with every noncreature spell.

Cecil, Dark Knight // Cecil, Redeemed Paladin

Final Fantasy IV's Cecil, shown here in a unique borderless treatment with the game's logo behind him, can transform from his Dark Knight form to his Paladin form.

Yuffie // Dragon of Mount Gulg

Final Fantasy: Through The Ages is a 60-card bonus sheet of reprints from the MTG universe featuring official art from the Final Fantasy franchise through the years. The first two revealed were Yuffie andthe Dragon of Mount Gulg.