Kindness of strangers: I was crying at the airport carousel, then a couple offered a simple solution

I stood there with my baby on my chest as I watched the suitcase go round and round. An older woman saw me, walked over and said ‘What’s the matter?’Read more in the kindness of strangers seriesI remember the exact date it happened – 28 October 1994. My husband and I were living in Perth with our newborn baby, James, when my husband had to go back to the UK for work. The plan was for the baby and me to follow him six weeks later.I’d decided to make the journey as leisurely as possible, so I booked a stopover in Hong Kong. I was very proud of myself setting out because I’d made a homemade baby sling to carry James on my chest during the flight. Continue reading...

Mar 23, 2025 - 17:15
Kindness of strangers: I was crying at the airport carousel, then a couple offered a simple solution

I stood there with my baby on my chest as I watched the suitcase go round and round. An older woman saw me, walked over and said ‘What’s the matter?’

I remember the exact date it happened – 28 October 1994. My husband and I were living in Perth with our newborn baby, James, when my husband had to go back to the UK for work. The plan was for the baby and me to follow him six weeks later.

I’d decided to make the journey as leisurely as possible, so I booked a stopover in Hong Kong. I was very proud of myself setting out because I’d made a homemade baby sling to carry James on my chest during the flight. Continue reading...