Kali Linux 2025.1 Ethical Hacking Distro Is Here with Xfce 4.20, Refreshed Theme
Kali Linux 2025.1 ethical hacking and penetration testing distribution is now available for download with Xfce 4.20 and KDE Plasma 6.2. Here's what's new! The post Kali Linux 2025.1 Ethical Hacking Distro Is Here with Xfce 4.20, Refreshed Theme appeared first on 9to5Linux - do not reproduce this article without permission. This RSS feed is intended for readers, not scrapers.

Kali Linux 2025.1 ethical hacking and penetration testing distribution is now available for download with Xfce 4.20 and KDE Plasma 6.2. Here's what's new!
The post Kali Linux 2025.1 Ethical Hacking Distro Is Here with Xfce 4.20, Refreshed Theme appeared first on 9to5Linux - do not reproduce this article without permission. This RSS feed is intended for readers, not scrapers.