Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ Catholic math
There will be no readers’ wildlife today, I’m sad to say, as we’ve run our of contributions save those of Robert Lang, and I don’t want to publish the remaining nine every day. I guess this is a sign that everything is falling apart. So today, as it’s Wednesday, we have Jesus and Mo: And … Continue reading Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ Catholic math

There will be no readers’ wildlife today, I’m sad to say, as we’ve run our of contributions save those of Robert Lang, and I don’t want to publish the remaining nine every day. I guess this is a sign that everything is falling apart. So today, as it’s Wednesday, we have Jesus and Mo:
And today’s Jesus and Mo strip, called “Math 2,” came with the note, “Another 2007 resurrection today, due to other-work overload. Does anyone remomber this one?”
This is a pretty good one, especially “3 X 1 = 1”: