Invincible season 3 episode 7 ending explained: who dies, who plays Conquest, who is Ka-Hor, and more big questions answered

Invincible season 3 episode 7 is full of shocking moments and comic-book character Easter eggs.

Mar 6, 2025 - 13:23
Invincible season 3 episode 7 ending explained: who dies, who plays Conquest, who is Ka-Hor, and more big questions answered

Full spoilers follow for Invincible season 3 episode 7.

Well, I warned you that Invincible season 3 episode 6's mid-credits scene confirmed that what would follow was an absolute bloodbath.

To be frank, I'm a long-time Invincible fan, so I knew what was coming long before season 3's penultimate episode, titled 'What I Have Done?', which arrived today (March 6). Nevertheless, the show's depiction of The Invincible War, aka the near-world-ending event that's been teased since Invincible season 3 started on February 6, is even more soul-shattering than its comic-book counterpart. And, as we sift through the wreckage of this destruction-laden entry, I suspect you've got questions about what transpired.

Want to know who voices Conquest? Need more information about those enigmatic figures working with Angstrom Levy? Or are you hoping against hope that those two characters didn't actually die? I'll answer those queries and more in this article, so make sure you're caught up as full spoilers immediately follow for episode 7.

How do Rex Splode and Darkwing die in Invincible season 3 episode 7?

Darkwing attacking a multiversal Mark Grayson in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Redemption for Darkwing! (Image credit: Prime Video)

There are plenty of heroes who die in this episode. After all, Angstrom Levy unleashes 18 multiversal variants of Mark Grayson/Invincible on the Earth that the titular character – from now on, I'll call him Invincible Prime to spare any confusion – inhabits. They're all as powerful, not to mention more cruel, than Invincible Prime, too, so they quickly lay waste to his home world. Remember, Angstrom promised that, in return for them decimating Invincible Prime's planet and ruining Mark's life, he'd help these variants to conquer other universes, which is why they agree to aid Mark's arch-nemesis.

There are two major character deaths that matter more than most in 'What Have I Done?', though. Darkwing is the first of those, with the Batman-inspired hero sacrificing himself to save his fellow Guardians of the Globe by stranding one of Invincible's variants – and himself – in the Shadow-Verse. This realm is not only devoid of light, but also inhabited by terrifying creatures who prey on anything that enters their domain. It's safe to assume, then, that Darkwing and this version of Invincible are no more.

Rex Splode glowing as he blows up his own skeleton in Invincible season 3 episode 7

I'm not crying, you are... *sniff* (Image credit: Prime Video)

Episode 7's most soul-destroying demise, however, is reserved for one of the best Prime Video shows' most developed characters: Rex Splode.

I already knew he wasn't long for this world. Indeed, Invincible season 3 episode 5's sweet scene between Rex and Rae foreshadowed this (nobody in Invincible can have nice things!). At least Rex's sacrifice was a noble one, with the kinetic energy-based superhero using his own skeleton in a Hail Mary move to kill the Invincible variant who attacks the Teen Team's base and almost murders Rudy/Robot, Monster Girl, and Bulletproof.

It's the same way that Rex bows out in the source material, but Amazon's adaptation makes his death even more heart-breaking. He's enjoyed more airtime and character growth in Invincible's TV adaptation than he does in the graphic novels. Rex's character evolution from a wisecracking womanizer to heroic martyr in the hit animated series, then, has been one of its biggest triumphs. It's just incredibly sad that we'll never see him, nor hear Jason Mantzoukas' terrific take on the character, again. *sniff*

Who is Conquest? And who voices him in Invincible season 3?

Conquest looming over Mark Grayson in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Wait, is that Jeffrey Dean Morgan's voice!? (Image credit: Prime Video)

I'll answer the latter first as it's the easiest question to, well, answer: it's Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

The Walking Dead alumnus was first linked with a role in Invincible in early 2023. However, ahead of Invincible season 2 part 1's release, Robert Kirkman, co-creator of Invincible's comic book series and its TV namesake, told me that he was "going to disappoint people" by saying Morgan wouldn't voice someone in season 2. It's now clear that he was going to play Conquest in season 3, so I guess Kirkman can say he didn't actually lie to our faces.

Anyway, who is Conquest? In the comics, he's not only a high-ranking Viltrum Empire warrior, but also the second-most powerful of them all. The superpowered humanoid race's autocratic leader Grand Regent Thragg is the only one who's more formidable than Conquest, which means the latter is even scarier than Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man. Oh, and he's been sent to Earth to see if Mark/Invincible Prime is ready to perform his Viltrumite duties and prepare his planet to be taken over by the highly-advanced, dictatorial species.

I won't say much else about Conquest's role in Invincible because, you know, spoilers for future seasons. You'll definitely want to prepare yourself for a cataclysmic and incredibly tense season 3 finale, though!

What happens to the remaining multiversal Invincible variants?

The eight remaining multiversal Invincibles trapped on a desolate planet in Invincible season 3 episode 7

"Angstroooooom!" (Image credit: Prime Video)

After their three-day-long, catastrophic attack on Invincible Prime's homeworld, the remaining eight multiversal variants – the other 10 have been killed by Mark and his fellow heroes – regroup at Mark's home at Angstrom's behest. However, when Angstrom says he wants them to bring Invincible Prime to him, they refuse because that wasn't part of the original deal. Cue the octet turning on Angstrom.

Knowing that he's physically outmatched by one Invincible, let alone eight, Angstrom reacts by activating his plan's fail-safe. Opening a portal behind each variant, he uses their spherical drones to push them through said multiversal doorways and maroons them on the desolate version of planet Earth that Angstrom and Invincible Prime fought on in Invincible season 2 part 2's finale. Hey, he says he was going to betray them anyway, so he might as well do so now...

Invincible season 3 episode 7's other heroes explained: Wolf-Man, Brit, Best Tiger, Tech Jacket, and more

Wolf-Man battling a multiversal Invincible in the air in Invincible season 3 episode 7

'What Have I Done?' is full of Image Comic superhero cameos, such as Wolf-Man (Image credit: Prime Video)

I'll readily admit that I didn't recognize every hero that Global Defence Agency (GDA) chief Cecil Stedman calls on to defend Earth from the 18-strong group of multiversal Invincibles in Invincible season 3's penultimate episode. There are a few, though, that I recognize from the source material, and I'm sure that my fellow Invincible devotees will be delighted by their inclusion in Prime Video's adaptation.

The first – and perhaps most crowd-pleasing – is Wolf Man, who battles one of the variants in what appears to be New York City and winds up winning the contest. Wolf Man is the star of Invincible spin-off comic series The Astounding Wolf-Man, which is another of Image Comics series, and the eponymous hero's real name is Gary Hampton, who was the wealthy CEO of a record company until he was attacked by a werewolf during a family vacation. Now, he uses his abilities to do good, all the while trying to suppress his new-found animalistic instincts.

Brit running down a hallway in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Jonathan Banks voices Brit in Invincible's TV adaptation (Image credit: Prime Video)

The next most recognizable face is Brit, who's voiced by one of nine new, big-name cast additions for season 3 in Jonathan Banks, who famously portrayed Mike Ehrmantraut in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

Another Image Comics creation, Brit is a long-time friend of Cecil's who, per the source material, was born sometime before World War One. His abilities include superhuman strength, agility, and reflexes, and decelerated aging. He's also virtually indestructible – indeed, as noted in Invincible's graphic novels and other Image supplementary materials, Brit is immune to all forms of damage and disease. You'd wonder why he's not been used as one of the GDA's first lines of defence before now, then...

Best Tiger firing one of his handguns in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Well, this is a deep-cut Image Comics reference! Say hello to Best Tiger, everyone (Image credit: Prime Video)

Three other heroes – two of whom we first saw in Invincible season 2 episode 8 – also appear in 'What Have I Done?'. Kid Thor and Knock-Out are the aforementioned duo, and they're joined by Bolt, another Batman-esque individual who acquired his superhuman abilities after being hit by a lightning bolt, hence his superhero name. The trio appear at the prison where Invincible Prime is fighting Mohawk-vincible, mistake Invincible Prime for one of his multiversal variants, and attack him before they realize the errors of their ways.

But wait, there's more. The biggest deep-cut character in 'What Have I Done?' is arguably Best Tiger. A China-born superhuman, he's essentially Daredevil with guns (he's also not blind – he just covers his eyes with a bandana for the challenge). He possesses superhuman agility, enhanced agility, and is an expert martial artist. He's also an elite marksman so, really, he's a cross between Daredevil and one of his most notorious foes in Bullseye.

Tech Jacket floating in space in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Holy crap, it's Tech Jacket! (Image credit: Prime Video)

Last but not least, this episode marks the debut of another key Invincible hero in Tech Jacket. I believe he's the individual who fights one of the Invincibles in space. If I'm right, that means Tech Jacket has actually appeared in Invincible's TV show earlier than he does in the comics.

Anyway, for the uninitiated: Tech Jacket is another Image Comics brand that stars Zack Thompson. One day, the ordinary high-school kid comes across a dying member of the highly-intelligent but physically weak alien race called the Geldarians. To make up for their lack of physicality, each Geldarian is given a Tech Jacket, a technologically-advanced vest that not only turns into a suit of armor when its user is attacked, but also grants the wearer near-invulnerability, super-strength, and the ability to fly and fire lasers.

Knowing its crashed spaceship will kill them both, the dying Geldarian gives its Tech Jacket to Thompson to save his life. Now permanently bound to one of the most powerful devices in the known universe, Thompson becomes a hero in his own right and is soon recruited by The Coalition of Planets to help them in their quest to bring down the Viltrum Empire.

Who are the Technicians in Invincible season 3?

The Technicians standing in their laboratory in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Well, aren't you guys the definition of creepy... (Image credit: Prime Video)

The Technicians are introduced in the first scene of 'What Have I Done?', which takes place in the immediate aftermath of Mark's near-fatal beatdown of Angstrom from season 2 episode 8.

As he does in the comics, Angstrom somehow summons the strength to open one of his portals to the Technicians' laboratory and, after getting their attention, is pulled into their dimension. Despite his absolutely mushed-up face, he tells the Technicians to "fix him", which they duly do.

Alright, but who are they? Again, I'm not going to reveal too much because they continue to play a role in the graphic novels and, by extension, will appear in the show again at some point. All you need to know for now is that the Technicians are cybernetically-enhanced humanoids who hail from another dimension and specialize in the art of body modifications.

After patching up Angstrom, they make a deal with him for reasons I won't ruin here. As Angstrom finds out, it's also best to stay on their good side, too. Indeed, when Angstrom returns after his latest bout with Mark and tells the Technicians to replace the arm he lost – the one that was severed by one of Angstrom's portals when Mark grabbed it as the gateway closed – the trio initially refuse to aid him. He hasn't fulfilled his side of the bargain so, in light of needing their services again, they tell him that he works for them now. I guess Angstrom's one-man crusade against Mark will have to wait!

Invincible's long-running Ka-Hor joke explained

Ka-Hor holding his hands to his face in Invincible season 3 episode 7

Maybe you'll escape one day, Ka-Hor... (Image credit: Prime Video)

A new season of Invincible wouldn't be complete without a check-in with Ka-Hor, and the R-rated series' latest chapter obliges. Wait, you don't remember who Ka-Hor is? Alright, allow me to explain.

A completely original character for Invincible's animated adaptation, Ka-Hor is a Egyptian mummy who's permanently bound to the tomb he was laid to rest in because of an unknown curse. The only way he can escape is if he binds his soul to a living, male host.

Ka-Hor trying to bind himself to a multiversal Mark Grayson in Invincible season 3 episode 7

So close, yet so far (Image credit: Prime Video)

Three seasons in and Ka-Hor hasn't been able to leave his crypt. He was almost freed by a present-day worshipper called Zaiem in season 1, but Mark/Invincible accidentally prevented Ka-Hor's escape when he inadvertently caused a sandstorm near Ka-Hor's tomb and trapped Zaiem inside.

In season 2, Ka-Hor's attempts to break out are dealt a blow when the next two individuals to find his tomb are women. Once again, Mark traps them all inside Ka-Hor's burial chamber with another accidental sandstorm.

That brings us onto season 3. During a battle between Immortal and one of the multiversal Invincibles, Ka-Hor's tomb is dealt significant damage when one of Mark's variants crashes into it. Sensing an opportunity to escape, Ka-Hor tries to bind to said Invincible.

Unfortunately for him, he's not strong enough to overpower his potential new host. To make things worse, Immortal and his adversary take their fight elsewhere soon after, which humorously leaves Ka-Hor without another host body. Oh, and the two women he encountered in season 2 finally escape his crypt, too. At least somebody got what they wanted.

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