Immortality-Obsessed Tech Guy Trying New Technique That Involves Removing "All Blood From Body"
We have some breaking news. The centimillionaire on a monomaniacal quest for immortality, which he sustains by quite literally living off the blood of the young, is no longer exsanguinating his own progeny to stave off certain doom. That vampyric figure — who, had he existed in another time period, would've had to lock himself in a castle to avoid the locals trying to shove a stake through his heart (but now merely has to fend off snarky reply guys) — is Bryan Johnson. This Tuesday on X, he announced his latest medical stunt in trying to stay alive forever. […]

Entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is no longer sustaining his monomaniacal quest for immortality by exsanguinating his own progeny to stave off certain doom.
The vampiric figure — who, had he existed in another time period, would've had to lock himself in a castle to avoid the locals trying to drive a stake through his heart — announced his latest medical stunt on X-formerly-Twitter this week.
"I am no longer injecting my son's blood," Johnson boasted. "I've upgraded to something else: total plasma exchange."
Johnson shared a photo of himself brandishing a plastic sac bulging with yellow viscous goo, which he claims to be that indispensable component of blood, looking as uncannily youthful as ever.
"Here's my bag of plasma," Johnson wrote. "Who wants it?"
I am no longer injecting my son's blood.
I've upgraded to something else: total plasma exchange.
1. Take out all blood from body
2. Separate plasma from blood
3. Replace plasma with 5% albumin & IVIGHere's my bag of plasma. Who wants it?
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