How Our Portfolio Performed in 2024 (Including Real Estate!)
While our portfolio didn't do quite as well as the S&P 500, we still had a solid year. But what about all of our real estate holdings? The post How Our Portfolio Performed in 2024 (Including Real Estate!) appeared first on The White Coat Investor - Investing & Personal Finance for Doctors.

2024, like 2023, was a pretty good year to be an investor. Just about anything you invested in made at least a little money, and if you invested in the “right” things, you made a lot of money. It's been decades (the late '90s) since the S&P 500 had 23%+ returns two years in a row like it did in 2023 and 2024.
Each year, I try to discuss the investment returns our portfolio saw for both transparency and educational purposes. Note that any links to actual investments discussed are links to WCI advertisers.
Our Portfolio
As a reminder, our portfolio (asset allocation) is 60% stocks, 20% bonds, and 20% real estate, broken down as follows:
60% Stocks:
- 25% Total US Stock Market
- 15% Small Value Stocks
- 15% Total International Stock Market
- 5% International Small/Small Value Stocks (more on this in a moment)
20% Bonds:
- 10% Nominal bonds
- 10% Inflation-protected bonds
20% Real Estate
- 5% Publicly traded REITs
- 10% Private equity real estate
- 5% Private debt real estate
Note that this is just our retirement portfolio, and it does not include UTMAs, 529s, our kids' Roth IRAs, HSA, cash reserves, small businesses, etc. The asset allocation (but not overall retirement account performance) also ignores a small cash balance plan (which interestingly has had double-digit returns the last two years).
Tracking Error
Tracking error is not actually an error (at least usually)—it's just a term that compares your portfolio return to that of an index. If it's an appropriate index, having a negative tracking error is a problem. But far too many people compare their portfolio return to a completely inappropriate index. If you invest in well-run index funds, there's little point to “benchmarking” at all. You already know you received just about exactly the benchmark return. However, a very popular index for people to compare to (again, usually inappropriately) is the S&P 500, and in a year like 2024, when the S&P 500 performed very well (about 25%), just about everything else you compare to it is going to look bad. If you were investing in stocks (much less other investments) that aren't in the S&P 500, why would you compare your returns to those of the S&P 500? That's silly. That's like comparing your returns to those of your neighbor. There's no point.
Investing is a single-player game; you against your goals. So, compare your returns to the returns you need to achieve your financial goals. If you really need a bad guy to compete against, use inflation. Inflation in 2024 as measured by CPI-U was a little under 3%. When I run long-term portfolio projections, what I use for my investment returns is a real (after inflation) 5% return. If I want to see how my portfolio is doing against what I need it to do to reach my goals, why not compare it to that? Three percent inflation plus 5% real = 8%. I should ask myself, did I beat 8% this year? Did I beat it over the last decade or two?
Try not to get stuck comparing yourself to whatever is doing particularly well at any given moment. For example, Bitcoin had a return of over 120% in 2024. QQQ, an ETF that tracks the very tech-heavy NASDAQ index, returned 25.6% in 2024, and Vanguard's Information Technology ETF (VGT) returned nearly 29.3%. Large growth stocks really dominated for the year with stocks like NVIDIA returning 171%. Even a broader growth stock index ETF like Vanguard's VUG returned 32.7%.
You don't have to get returns like 32.7% each year for very many decades before you're worth more than the entire world. No surprise how easy it is to feel FOMO when you're constantly reading and hearing news about investment returns like those. If you happened to own any of those investments in 2024, congratulations to you! I did not. As you will soon see, our portfolio returns were much lower than all of those returns, even if our returns were more than high enough to allow me to reach our financial goals.
More information here:
150 Portfolios Better Than Yours
Is Anybody Else Getting Nervous About an AI Bubble in the Stock Market?
2024 Portfolio Performance
The performance of our overall retirement portfolio (including the cash balance plan) for 2024 was 9.62%. Since we started investing in 2004, our annualized returns have been 11.03%, so I guess this year wasn't even better than average for us. Our returns were more than 5% higher last year! That's kind of a bummer in a year when our biggest investment, the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, had a return of 23.75%. It sure would have been better if that had been our only investment. Nevertheless, we've chosen to diversify, and over the decades, we have been glad that we did. Interestingly, the return for all of our money (adding in the kids' Roth IRAs, UTMAs, 529s, HSA, emergency funds, etc.) was over 16%, mostly because a significantly larger portion of those accounts is invested in US large cap stocks. Interestingly, our long-term return on the retirement money is still a little higher than the long-term return on all of the money.
Stock Performance
Our stock portfolio is kind of boring. Twenty-five percent of the portfolio is in the Total Stock Market via VTI and its tax-loss harvesting partner ITOT, and we made 23.85% in that asset class. Fifteen percent of the portfolio is in US small value stocks. We're transitioning from VBR and its tax-loss harvesting partner VIOV to AVUV and its tax-loss harvesting partner DFSV. We had a better return on the old stuff this year (9.54%) than the new stuff (9.25%), but we still think we'll be better off in the long run with the change.
Fifteen percent of the portfolio is in the Vanguard Total International Stock Market ETF (VXUS) and its tax-loss harvesting partner IXUS. We made 5.09%. Five percent is in international small value stocks, although we're still pretty early in a transition from VSS to AVDV. While we had positive returns in both (2.97% and 6.31%, respectively), they're definitely not full of US growth tech stocks.
Bond Performance
If you thought non-US tech stocks did poorly this year, wait until you see bond returns. On the nominal side (10% of our portfolio), we made just 1.4% in muni bonds. The reversal of the inverted yield curve had a big effect on bond returns. Our “cash-like” G Fund did better with returns of 4.41%. On the inflation-indexed side (10% of our portfolio), our TIPS ETF (SCHP) returned only 1.88%, although our individual TIPS portfolio managed 4.49%. The difference is probably mostly just related to cash flows during the year and accounting differences. We also own some I Bonds, although in an effort to simplify, we may not own them much longer. We made 3.98% there.
More information here:
9 Ways to Increase Your Investing Return
The Nuts and Bolts of Investing
Real Estate Performance
Our real estate portfolio (20% of the overall portfolio) is quite a bit more complex than our stock portfolio and bond portfolio. The easy part is the publicly traded REITS (5% of the portfolio) where we use VNQ inside retirement accounts. We made 5.02% there. One of my favorite asset classes is debt real estate, where we use three separate funds that loan money to developers. Although it's not tax-efficient at all, these funds have provided very “steady-eddy” returns the whole time we've owned them. We own two of them inside retirement accounts, which helps with the tax-inefficiency. Our funds made 9.57%, 9.63%, and 10.55%—the latter from blog sponsor DLP's Lending Fund. Those are all better than the long-term returns we've seen, which range from 8.35% to 9.89%.
On the equity side, things get a lot more complicated in a hurry. I was excited to exit the office building used by my physician partnership. As you'll recall, I was in charge of the investment for a few years. I actually tried to exit in 2023, but it took most of the next year to finally pay me out. Our 2024 return was 6.6%, although over the 12 years we owned it, our annualized return was 10.5%. The main reason we exited was that it was our smallest investment, and we just wanted to simplify our portfolio. It really didn't make any sense for me to be invested in it, much less managing it.
While we're talking about small investments, it's probably worth mentioning our two losers. One is an apartment building in Houston that we bought as part of a syndication in 2017. It was supposed to be over years ago, but due to fraud on the now-jailed operator's part, it just drags on and on. I basically wrote the rest of the principal off in 2022 so our return this year is 0% on the spreadsheet. Who knows, maybe we'll get something back. My spreadsheet reports the annualized return as -98% a year. The other is a small trial investment in a REIT that bought a whole bunch of single-family homes and then ran into cash flow problems and had to fire-sale most of them. My spreadsheet actually reports a 6.74% return on this one for 2024, although last year's -90% return pretty much tells the story of this investment. Again, we're hoping to see some of the principal back, but I'm not holding my breath.
We have a few medium-sized equity investments, as well. Two of these are through blog sponsor 37th Parallel. One is a syndicated apartment building in Fort Worth and the other is the company's Fund I, which owns seven different apartment complexes. 37th Parallel doesn't mark any of the assets to market during the investment years, so you really don't know exactly how you're doing until they go round trip, which is a five- or 10-year process. I just assume they're worth exactly what I paid for them in 2018 and 2020 and only count the income as return. The income hasn't been awesome (and has been declining), but it is there every quarter. This year it paid me 1.35% and 0.88%, respectively. Obviously, there is more to the return than just the income, so you should pay a lot more attention to the periodic blog posts I do on individual investments when they go round trip than a random update in the middle of the investment like this. As a passive, private real estate investor, sometimes you just have to be OK with not knowing and not being in control. That's the price you have to pay to not have to know and not have to be in control.
Another medium-sized real estate investment is the Alpha Investing Fund I, a previous blog sponsor. It's had a couple of rough years because it invested in several “Tides” properties. As those in this space know, the Tides folks used a pretty significant amount of adjustable rate debt, and 2022 was not kind to them. Income from this fund is currently being used for capital calls on those properties. This fund did not make distributions this year (although the one from Q4 of 2023 came in February 2024). The spreadsheet says we made 0.44% for 2024. The current annualized return on this investment is 5.1% over the last five years.
On a more positive note, another medium-sized investment in a diversified fund that mostly invests in the area I live in had a great year. Although not liquid, it does mark properties to market each year so you see quite a bit more volatility compared to the funds that don't. Last year, the company reported a 4.52% loss, but this year, it had a 51.7% gain. Again, you really don't know what you have until it goes round trip, but the annualized return over the four years we've owned it is 11.4%.
Another medium-sized investment, Fund III from former blog sponsor Origin, was supposed to wrap up operations this year, but it put it off another year to try to get a better price on the last 1-2 properties in the fund. The spreadsheet shows a return of 28.56% this year, with an annualized return over the seven years we've owned it of 11.75% per year.
We have a larger investment with Origin too—its evergreen Income Plus Fund. This is a more conservative fund than many with a definite income focus. It showed 4.46% in 2024 and an annualized return over the five years since we bought it of 6.98%.
We have a sizable investment in another income fund from blog sponsor Wellings Capital. It pays out income like clockwork but doesn't mark the properties to market. I calculate the income return for 2024 at 4.77%.
Another large investment is in a self-storage fund. I was pretty excited about this one when we bought it two years ago, but it turns out that nobody is moving these days because they can't afford to buy houses at the new higher interest rates in place since we invested in this fund. And when people don't move, they don't put their stuff in storage. This fund doesn't mark its assets to market, but the income has been steady at 2%.
We have a substantial real estate investment in blog sponsor MLG's Fund IV. While not evergreen, it does mark assets to market so you have a pretty good idea how you're doing as it goes along. The spreadsheet shows me a 3.04% return. That's not quite the 43% it made last year, but it beats a kick in the teeth. We've been in it for over four years and have an annualized return of 14.67%.
Our largest real estate investment is the evergreen DLP Housing Fund from a long-term WCI sponsor. It doesn't try to shoot the lights out, aiming for a 10%-12% return. I do like the fact it usually gets it, though. It got 9.97% in 2024 and 12.7% per year since we started investing in 2021.
If you are interested in private real estate investing opportunities, start your due diligence with those who support The White Coat Investor site:
Featured Real Estate Partners

Overall, our real estate returns for 2024 are as follows:
- Equity: 7.1% (the actual return is probably a little higher due to the mark to market issue with many of the investments)
- Debt: 9.9%
- Publicly traded REIT: 5.0%
It doesn't feel like much compared to Bitcoin or NVIDIA, but it's all positive in a year when no one seemed to like real estate all that much.
What do you think? How did your portfolio treat you in 2024? What were your winners and losers? How do you resist FOMO?
The post How Our Portfolio Performed in 2024 (Including Real Estate!) appeared first on The White Coat Investor - Investing & Personal Finance for Doctors.