How I Leveraged Source Maps to Improve My Team’s Debugging
Let's face it, the modern web is full of magic. Nowadays, when I use Vite, spinning up a new project is effortless. All it takes is a little Hocus Pocus—run: pnpm create vite my-app --template react-ts and Poof! A fully configured React + TypeScript app appears. Want to run it locally? Just type: pnpm run dev and Voila!: it works. All my JSX and TS code running seamlessly in the browser. But as developers, we can’t always rely on abstractions. Understanding what’s happening under the hood helps us fine-tune our apps and improve in our field. Today, we're going to pull back the curtain and explore Vite's build process a bit, learn about Source Maps and hear how I used them to improve my team’s logs. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to leverage Source Maps for debugging and logging in your own projects. So let's get started!

Let's face it, the modern web is full of magic.
Nowadays, when I use Vite, spinning up a new project is effortless. All it takes is a little Hocus Pocus—run:
pnpm create vite my-app --template react-ts
and Poof! A fully configured React + TypeScript app appears.
Want to run it locally? Just type: pnpm run dev
and Voila!: it works. All my JSX and TS code running seamlessly in the browser. But as developers, we can’t always rely on abstractions. Understanding what’s happening under the hood helps us fine-tune our apps and improve in our field.
Today, we're going to pull back the curtain and explore Vite's build process a bit, learn about Source Maps and hear how I used them to improve my team’s logs. By the end, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to leverage Source Maps for debugging and logging in your own projects. So let's get started!