Flames, Maple Leafs each have goal disallowed in first period
The video review centre was working hard at the beginning of Tuesday’s game between the Calgary Flames and Toronto Maple Leafs.

The video review centre was working hard at the beginning of Tuesday’s game between the Calgary Flames and Toronto Maple Leafs.
In less than 10 minutes of game action, both the Flames and Maple Leafs saw a goal disallowed after a successful coach’s challenge from the opposing team.
The Maple Leafs were first to see a goal taken off the board when John Tavares appeared to bat a puck past Flames netminder Dustin Wolf.
But after a coach’s challenge by the Flames, it was ruled after a lengthy review that Tavares put the puck in with a high stick and the score remained 0-0.
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Less than two minutes later, it was the Flames’ turn to see their hopes dashed. Newly acquired forward Joel Farabee looked to have scored his first as a Flame when he jammed a rebound in at the side of the net.
However, a coach’s challenge by the Leafs revealed that Flames forward Jonathan Huberdeau interfered with Joseph Woll on the initial shot and the scoreboard went back to zeroes once again.
Fans in Calgary finally got to see a good goal later in the period when Matt Coronato put the home side up 1-0 with a power-play marker.