Did a whale really "swallow" a kayaker, as AP and other news outlets claim? (video)
Video is circulating online that shows a man kayaking in Chile's Strait of Magellan when a humpback whale suddenly appears — and then the two vanish. Moments later, the kayaker resurfaces, unharmed. And days later, multiple headlines claimed that a whale "swallowed" the man before quickly spitting him back out. — Read the rest The post Did a whale really "swallow" a kayaker, as AP and other news outlets claim? (video) appeared first on Boing Boing.

Video is circulating online that shows a man kayaking in Chile's Strait of Magellan when a humpback whale suddenly appears — and then the two vanish. Moments later, the kayaker resurfaces, unharmed. And days later, multiple headlines claimed that a whale "swallowed" the man before quickly spitting him back out. — Read the rest
The post Did a whale really "swallow" a kayaker, as AP and other news outlets claim? (video) appeared first on Boing Boing.