Despite Being One of Dick Wolf’s Lowest Rated Shows, This Procedural Has Arrested the Attention of Viewers on Streaming
Despite missing the target with critics, On Call is a massive hit with audiences. Find out more about Dick Wolf’s latest series here.

During his time in the industry, Dick Wolf has become a name synonymous with thrilling procedurals that keep audiences coming back week after week. His success in hooking viewers and never letting them go is, in fact, so great that perhaps his most beloved title, Law & Order: SVU, has been on air for 26 seasons. This means that the show, which started in 1999, is old enough to buy a pack of cigarettes, pick up some lotto tickets, and have a wild night out at a bar. Of course, when you’ve been in the biz of hits for so long, there are bound to be a few flops along the way – at least from a critical standpoint.