'Dark Winds' Season 3 Review: Zahn McClarnon's Neo-Western Noir Thriller Is As Mysterious and Gripping As Ever
Dark Winds is as riveting as ever, with a third season that continues to exceed expectations. Read our review.

There is an unspoken truth about television that the medium is oversaturated with programs about law enforcement officers solving crimes in their local communities. Tune into nearly any network on most weeknights, and there will be a police-based drama of some sort waiting for you. On occasion, these shows can excel far beyond the "cop drama" label, taking on a distinct life of their own with complex mysteries and compelling characters that soon brand the series as unique, groundbreaking, or perhaps even provocative. AMC's Dark Winds is a series that has set a high bar for itself from the very beginning, aiming to tell niche but accessible stories about a very specific place and time (1970s Navajoland) that grip the viewer tightly. Every new season works, urging us to come back for more — and Season 3 is no exception to the rule. It certainly helps that the show has strong source material to pull from in Tony Hillerman's Leaphorn & Chee novels, as well as an impressive cast that includes Zahn McClarnon in the career-defining role of a lifetime.