Civilization 7 - Science Legacy And Science Victory Guide
Space is the final frontier in real life and in your games in Sid Meier's Civilization 7. Sure, you could recruit a lot of units or showcase the glory of your empire, but why not look into technological leaps that take you toward the stars while you're at it? Here's our guide to help you with the Science Legacy and Science Victory in Civilization 7.How to get a Science Victory in Civilization 7 - Science Legacy guideThe Civilization 7 Science Legacy features focus primarily on researching a lot of technologies, becoming the most advanced nation on the planet and starting the first manned space flight. As you progress, you could also tackle objectives related to Cultural, Economic, and most especially Military facets, so you have more wiggle room later in your campaign. Science Legacy in the Antiquity Age: Great LibraryTrying to complete the Civilization 7 Science Legacy during the Antiquity Age is quite difficult. That's because you need specific techs and buildings, as well as codices. Codices only come from (a) tech mastery research, (b) becoming the suzerain of city-states, and (c) random rewards from "goodie huts."Step 1: Research the Writing tech.Step 2: Build a Library.Research the Writing II mastery tech.Step 3: Research the Mathematics tech.Build an Academy.Step 4: Collect and display three codices.Step 5: Collect and display six codices.Step 6: Collect and display 10 codices. Science Legacy in the Exploration Age: EnlightenmentThe Civilization 7 Science Legacy for the Exploration Age should be a treat for players that like to min-max their tile yields. This objective focuses primarily on assigning specialists to quarters (i.e. a combination of two buildings that you construct on the same tile). Naturally, you also need to consider adjacency bonuses.Note that you need to look at yields on tiles other than those from city centers. You should also mouse over these tiles to see the numerical value of each yield so you can add them all up.Step 1: Research the Education tech.Place four specialists.Step 2: Have a +20 yield on a tile that's not a city center.Have two specialists in a non-city center tile.Step 3: Have a tile with a +40 yield (not a city center).Step 4: Have three tiles with +40 yields (not a city center).Step 5: Have five tiles with +40 yields (not a city center). Science Legacy in the Modern Age: Space Race ProjectsPlayers who want a Civilization 7 Science Victory during the Modern Age have to consider that this path requires the completion of several space race-related projects. Not only do you need to research late-game techs, but you also want to ensure that you can finish projects that take several turns.Step 1: Research the Flight tech.Step 2: Build an Aerodrome.Complete the Trans-Oceanic Flight Project.Step 3: Research the Aerodynamics tech.Complete the Break the Sound Barrier Project.Step 4: Research the Rocketry tech.Build a Launch Pad.Complete the Launch Satellite Project.You're almost done. There's one more task that you need to do, and that's to complete the First Manned Space Flight Project. After several turns have elapsed, you'll trigger the cutscene for the win.That does it for our Civilization 7 Science Victory and Science Legacy guide. If you're keen on learning about the other victory conditions, you can check our guides regarding the Cultural, Economic, and Military facets.Explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate your way to victory with the help of our Sid Meier's Civilization 7 guides hub.

Space is the final frontier in real life and in your games in Sid Meier's Civilization 7. Sure, you could recruit a lot of units or showcase the glory of your empire, but why not look into technological leaps that take you toward the stars while you're at it? Here's our guide to help you with the Science Legacy and Science Victory in Civilization 7.
How to get a Science Victory in Civilization 7 - Science Legacy guide
The Civilization 7 Science Legacy features focus primarily on researching a lot of technologies, becoming the most advanced nation on the planet and starting the first manned space flight. As you progress, you could also tackle objectives related to Cultural, Economic, and most especially Military facets, so you have more wiggle room later in your campaign.
Science Legacy in the Antiquity Age: Great Library

Trying to complete the Civilization 7 Science Legacy during the Antiquity Age is quite difficult. That's because you need specific techs and buildings, as well as codices. Codices only come from (a) tech mastery research, (b) becoming the suzerain of city-states, and (c) random rewards from "goodie huts."
- Step 1: Research the Writing tech.
- Step 2:
- Build a Library.
- Research the Writing II mastery tech.
- Step 3:
- Research the Mathematics tech.
- Build an Academy.
- Step 4: Collect and display three codices.
- Step 5: Collect and display six codices.
- Step 6: Collect and display 10 codices.
Science Legacy in the Exploration Age: Enlightenment

The Civilization 7 Science Legacy for the Exploration Age should be a treat for players that like to min-max their tile yields. This objective focuses primarily on assigning specialists to quarters (i.e. a combination of two buildings that you construct on the same tile). Naturally, you also need to consider adjacency bonuses.
Note that you need to look at yields on tiles other than those from city centers. You should also mouse over these tiles to see the numerical value of each yield so you can add them all up.
- Step 1:
- Research the Education tech.
- Place four specialists.
- Step 2:
- Have a +20 yield on a tile that's not a city center.
- Have two specialists in a non-city center tile.
- Step 3: Have a tile with a +40 yield (not a city center).
- Step 4: Have three tiles with +40 yields (not a city center).
- Step 5: Have five tiles with +40 yields (not a city center).
Science Legacy in the Modern Age: Space Race Projects

Players who want a Civilization 7 Science Victory during the Modern Age have to consider that this path requires the completion of several space race-related projects. Not only do you need to research late-game techs, but you also want to ensure that you can finish projects that take several turns.
- Step 1: Research the Flight tech.
- Step 2:
- Build an Aerodrome.
- Complete the Trans-Oceanic Flight Project.
- Step 3:
- Research the Aerodynamics tech.
- Complete the Break the Sound Barrier Project.
- Step 4:
- Research the Rocketry tech.
- Build a Launch Pad.
- Complete the Launch Satellite Project.
You're almost done. There's one more task that you need to do, and that's to complete the First Manned Space Flight Project. After several turns have elapsed, you'll trigger the cutscene for the win.
That does it for our Civilization 7 Science Victory and Science Legacy guide. If you're keen on learning about the other victory conditions, you can check our guides regarding the Cultural, Economic, and Military facets.
Explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate your way to victory with the help of our Sid Meier's Civilization 7 guides hub.