Candid Health, which helps simplify medical billing by automating claims processing and eliminating manual work for billing teams, raised a $52.5M Series C (Marina Temkin/TechCrunch)
Marina Temkin / TechCrunch: Candid Health, which helps simplify medical billing by automating claims processing and eliminating manual work for billing teams, raised a $52.5M Series C — With over 1,000 insurance companies in the U.S., figuring out how to get paid by each company is a complex challenge for doctors and hospitals.

Marina Temkin / TechCrunch:
Candid Health, which helps simplify medical billing by automating claims processing and eliminating manual work for billing teams, raised a $52.5M Series C — With over 1,000 insurance companies in the U.S., figuring out how to get paid by each company is a complex challenge for doctors and hospitals.