Can you solve it? Clueless sudoku, a genius new puzzle
Get in positionToday I unveil a fantastic new type of Sudoku invented by reader Alf Smith. Like all Sudoku, the digits from 1 to 9 must appear in all rows, columns and boxes.What’s different in this new variant, however, is that the starting grids have no number clues. Instead, some cells are coloured gold. The extra rule is that the numbers in gold cells must describe the position of that cell in either its row, column or box (read left-to-right, top-to-bottom.) Continue reading...

Get in position
Today I unveil a fantastic new type of Sudoku invented by reader Alf Smith. Like all Sudoku, the digits from 1 to 9 must appear in all rows, columns and boxes.
What’s different in this new variant, however, is that the starting grids have no number clues. Instead, some cells are coloured gold. The extra rule is that the numbers in gold cells must describe the position of that cell in either its row, column or box (read left-to-right, top-to-bottom.) Continue reading...