Busy Mom Trying to Get Healthy, Testicular Tumor, Shoulder Recovery | THRR201
Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: Seed Oils and Science: What the Media Gets Wrong (and Right) Show Notes: STEM-Talk: Episode 170 Charles Serhan, expert on specialized pro-resolving mediators, talks inflammation The Most Important Skill To Learn In The Next 10 Years With… Continue Reading

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News Topic:
Seed Oils and Science: What the Media Gets Wrong (and Right)
Show Notes:
The Most Important Skill To Learn In The Next 10 Years With Devon Eriksen
Darkhorse Podcast – Think Fast: The 252nd Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying
Basis Health and Performance New York
Busy Mom Trying to Get Healthy
Katie writes:
Hey Robb and Nicki – I am a full-time working mom of two busy kids. I am overweight and make way too many unhealthy food choices. I am trying to get better. I’ve listened to dozens and dozens of your podcast so I know what I need to be doing. Let’s just say I am a junk food addict and breaking all my bad habits is taking me longer than I like. I am trying to put a focus on healthier decisions. In the context of juggling the complexities of a busy life and being a person who still eats too much processed food, I have a couple questions:
1 – I have been drinking a chocolate LMNT with collagen every morning. Knowing I don’t have a great diet, is there a point that I shouldn’t be having that much sodium?
2 – In an effort to get up my protein intake while still keeping my calories low, I started drinking a protein shake every morning. Is that god awful to do? I know they’re better options. A Whole Foods breakfast would be ideal. But with the limited time in the morning, this has seemed to be a pretty good compromise for me at this point in my life. Then I heard someone say you shouldn’t drink your protein. So I wanted to get your opinion. I know this isn’t the best option, but is it an okay option?
3 – Assuming a protein shake isn’t god awful. Do you have a brand that you recommend?
Thanks for all you do. I enjoy hearing all of your opinions on all the things (especially the politically stuff). Keep fighting the good fight!!
Thanks, Katie
Testicular Tumor
Patrick writes:
Hi Robb and Nicki,
Long time listener, love what you guys do. I found a mass on my right testicle earlier this year that I found out last week was a tumor. It was relatively large (about the same dimensions as the testicle) and I met with a uro-oncologist Thursday who recommended surgery ASAP. I had the surgery to remove my right testicle/tumor the next day and am successfully recovering. I’ve got a couple questions for you:
- Is there anything that you know of that can help with recovery from this type of procedure other than rest? I had to go under general anesthesia for it and I was left with an incision on the lower right side of my abdomen.
- Is there anything that you know of that could have caused this or prevented this? The doctor mentioned heavy marijuana use or undescended testicles as a baby as things that could lead to this. Obviously, you hear about all kinds of carcinogens in food, environment, clothing, injections, EMF, etc but I wasn’t sure if you had any strong inclinations about any of them being more likely culprits. I’m all for ice baths, wim hof breathing, carnivore/keto adjacent diets but I feel like at some point there’s not much those things can do to reverse something like what I had. Which leads me to my final question
- How do we reconcile the fact that the US healthcare system is broken with the likely fact that without all the numerous systems being there I most likely would have not survived this condition? I’m still learning details about the type of tumor and if it spread but the prognosis is still pretty good. I shouldn’t lose any fertility or need HRT at all and treatments are pretty effective for even aggressive testicular cancer. I am grateful to the surgeon and all the clinicians who have helped me so much but if there’s any advice as far as things that I should take from the DIY health care space I would be happy to take it.
I know that was a lot but please keep up the good work!
BJJ Shoulder Injury Recovery
Jon writes:
45/m. eating adamantly gf.
minor tears in infra & supraspinatus, medial dislocation of biceps tendon at the superior bicipital groove. suspected partial thickness tear. whoops. my bad.
dealing with physio, waiting to hear back from orthopedist regarding surgery…
any dietary/ ect recommendations? super open to suggestions to get me back pain free and hopefully on the mats asap.
fan since 2010. so c’mon….
c’mooooon.….(best peter griffin voice)
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Coming soon!
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