Building a Multi-Section Page for a Game InterfaceT

Introduction In this session, we'll extend our previous code structure to develop a multi-section HTML page that simulates the layout of our future Pac-Man game. This guide builds on foundational concepts from HTML Basics, Semantic Markup, and Forms, leading us toward a single-page interface for our game. For a deeper dive into structuring a game interface, check out Advanced HTML for Game Development. Overview In this session, we will: Practice creating a multi-section layout with a clear, logical content flow. Introduce three key sections: Introduction, Game Area, and Instructions. Enhance the structure for a game interface, keeping in mind future interactivity (e.g., JavaScript-based Pac-Man game mechanics). Build upon the code structure from earlier sessions. Step-by-Step Explanation 1. Extending the Base Layout We start with the existing structure from our last session, which includes: Header (game title). Navigation bar (game controls: Start, Pause, Restart). Main game area (where the game will render). Scoreboard (game metrics like time, score, and lives). Footer (branding/copyright info). Now, we'll expand this layout by introducing multiple sections for better content organization. 2. Adding Multiple Sections We introduce three new sections: Introduction Section: Provides an overview of the game. Game Area Section: The main area where the Pac-Man game will eventually render. Instructions Section: Explains game controls and mechanics. 3. Organizing Content with Flexbox To maintain a structured layout, we use a Flexbox container (.content): Sections are stacked vertically for readability. The scoreboard remains as an aside for quick reference. Code Example Open your favorite code editor or an online tool like CodePen or JSFiddle and try the code below: Pac-Man Game Interface /* Basic layout styling */ html, body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } header, footer { background-color: #333; color: #fff; padding: 10px; text-align: center; } nav { background-color: #444; padding: 10px; text-align: center; } nav ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } nav li { display: inline; margin: 0 10px; } nav a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } main { display: flex; flex: 1; padding: 20px; } .content { flex: 3; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } section { background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } aside#scoreboard { flex: 1; background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-left: 20px; } Pac-Man: A Classic Reimagined Start Pause Restart Settings Introduction Welcome to Pac-Man! Guide Pac-Man through the maze, eat dots, and avoid ghosts. Game Area The Pac-Man game will be rendered here. Instructions Use arrow keys to move, "P" to pause, and avoid ghosts to survive! Scoreboard Time: 00:00 Score: 0 Lives: 3 © 2025 My Game Hands-On Exercises 1. Customize the Introduction Add an image inside the Introduction section. 2. Enhance Instructions Create a list of controls using : Arrow Keys: Move Pac-Man P: Pause Game Space: Start Game 3. Modify Layout Change the background color or spacing of sections. Additional Resources MDN Web Docs – HTML Sections and Outlines CSS Tricks – A Complete Guide to Flexbox MDN Web Docs – Using ARIA Conclusion & Next Steps This session focused on organizing a multi-section HTML page for our game interface. With a clear structure and accessible layout, we're one step closer to a fully interactive single-page game. In the next session, we’ll refine this layout with advanced CSS styling and introduce JavaScript interactivity to bring Pac-Man to life! Happy coding!

Mar 16, 2025 - 18:50
Building a Multi-Section Page for a Game InterfaceT


In this session, we'll extend our previous code structure to develop a multi-section HTML page that simulates the layout of our future Pac-Man game. This guide builds on foundational concepts from HTML Basics, Semantic Markup, and Forms, leading us toward a single-page interface for our game.

For a deeper dive into structuring a game interface, check out Advanced HTML for Game Development.


In this session, we will:

  • Practice creating a multi-section layout with a clear, logical content flow.
  • Introduce three key sections: Introduction, Game Area, and Instructions.
  • Enhance the structure for a game interface, keeping in mind future interactivity (e.g., JavaScript-based Pac-Man game mechanics).
  • Build upon the code structure from earlier sessions.

Step-by-Step Explanation

1. Extending the Base Layout

We start with the existing structure from our last session, which includes:

  • Header (game title).
  • Navigation bar (game controls: Start, Pause, Restart).
  • Main game area (where the game will render).
  • Scoreboard (game metrics like time, score, and lives).
  • Footer (branding/copyright info).

Now, we'll expand this layout by introducing multiple sections for better content organization.

2. Adding Multiple Sections

We introduce three new sections:

  • Introduction Section: Provides an overview of the game.
  • Game Area Section: The main area where the Pac-Man game will eventually render.
  • Instructions Section: Explains game controls and mechanics.

3. Organizing Content with Flexbox

To maintain a structured layout, we use a Flexbox container (.content):

  • Sections are stacked vertically for readability.
  • The scoreboard remains as an aside for quick reference.

Code Example

Open your favorite code editor or an online tool like CodePen or JSFiddle and try the code below:


     name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    </span>Pac-Man Game Interface<span class="nt">


Pac-Man: A Classic Reimagined

  • href="#" id="startGame">Start
  • href="#" id="pauseGame">Pause
  • href="#" id="restartGame">Restart
  • href="#" id="settings">Settings
role="main"> class="content"> id="intro">


Welcome to Pac-Man! Guide Pac-Man through the maze, eat dots, and avoid ghosts.