Build & Package Manager tools in DevOps

Introduction to Build & Package Manager Tools: What are built and package manager tools? When developers create an application, it needs to be available to end users. This involves deploying the application on a production server, which requires moving the application code and its dependencies to the server. This is where build and package manager tools come into play. Package application into a single movable file And this single movable file is called an artifact. Packaging = “building the code” Building the code involves: Compiling (Hundreds of files into 1 single file) Compress (Hundreds of files into 1 single file) After the artifact was built we kept artifacts in storage also In case we need to deploy multiple times, have a backup, etc. E.g.: If we deploy the artifact on the dev server, we deploy the test environment, or later on the production environment. Artifact repository: The storage location where we keep the artifact once we build it is called the artifact repository, an example is Nexus, JFrogArtifactory. What kind of file is in the artifact? The artifact file looks different for each programming language E.g., if you have a Java Application the artifact file will be a JAR or WAR file JAR = Java Archive These include whole code and dependencies like: Spring Framework datetime libraries Pdf processing libraries Install Java and Build tools Install java Install Maven install Node + npm Download IntelliJ or VSCode How to build the artifact with dependencies? Using a Build Tool, so there are special tools to build the artifact These tools are specific to the programming language For Java: There is Maven and Gradle For NodeJs Or JavaScritp There are npm and yarn What These tools do: Install dependencies Compile and compress your code And can do some other different tasks Build tools in Java JAR or WAR file Maven: Uses XML for configuration and is widely used for managing dependencies and building projects. Gradle: Uses Groovy for configuration and is known for its flexibility and performance. Tools Maven Gradle Language uses XML Groovy Which is more convenient for scripting and writing all those tasks for building the code or compiling etc. Both have command line tools and commands to execute the tasks Gradle commands to execute the Java file (Doing Hands-On) This command will compile the code, resolve dependencies, and package the application into an artifact using Gradle. ./gradlew build In the Gradle, we don’t need to configure how the JAR file is built. Maven command to execute the Java file Add this plugin to your pom.xml file: org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin repackage The command will compile the code, run tests, package the application into an artifact, and install it into the local Maven repository. mvn install Build Tools for Development (Managing Dependencies) It would help if you had the build tools also locally when developing the App Because you need to run the app locally run tests Maven and Gradle have their own dependency files Dependencies file = Managing the dependencies for the project Where these Dependencies files lies: For the maven its - pom.xml For the Gradle it's - build.gradle You need a library to connect your Java application to ElasticSearch Find a dependency with name and version You add it to the dependencies file (e.g. pom.xml) Dependency gets downloaded locally (e.g local maven repo) Run the application Now let’s say we’ve built an artifact, stored it in the artifact repository, and copied it also on the server. Now the question is how do you run the application with the artifact This is the command to execute the .jar file for example: // This example is for gradle java -jar //This is an example of Gradle java -jar build/libs/java-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar // This example is for Maven java -jar //This is an example of Maven java -jar target/java-maven-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar So if you are on a fresh server where and you have Java installed you can download the artifact from the repository and start the application using above commands. Build JavaScript application What about the JavaScrip Application JS doesn’t have a special artifact type So it can’t be built in ZIP or TAR file So how do we build a js artifact file as a zip or tar file These are the alternatives over Gradle and Maven in JavaScript npm - much more widely used yarn These both contain package.json file for dependencies npm and yarn are package managers and NOT build tools These package managers install dependencies, but not used for transpiling JavaScript code or JavaScript artifact. npm repository for

Mar 10, 2025 - 08:16
Build & Package Manager tools in DevOps

Introduction to Build & Package Manager Tools:

What are built and package manager tools?

When developers create an application, it needs to be available to end users. This involves deploying the application on a production server, which requires moving the application code and its dependencies to the server. This is where build and package manager tools come into play.

  • Package application into a single movable file
  • And this single movable file is called an artifact.
  • Packaging = “building the code
  • Building the code involves:

    • Compiling (Hundreds of files into 1 single file)
    • Compress (Hundreds of files into 1 single file)
    • After the artifact was built we kept artifacts in storage also
    • In case we need to deploy multiple times, have a backup, etc.

      E.g.: If we deploy the artifact on the dev server, we deploy the test environment, or later on the production environment.

Artifact repository:

The storage location where we keep the artifact once we build it is called the artifact repository, an example is Nexus, JFrogArtifactory.

What kind of file is in the artifact?

  • The artifact file looks different for each programming language
  • E.g., if you have a Java Application the artifact file will be a JAR or WAR file
  • JAR = Java Archive
  • These include whole code and dependencies like:
    • Spring Framework
    • datetime libraries
    • Pdf processing libraries

Install Java and Build tools

  • Install java
  • Install Maven
  • install Node + npm
  • Download IntelliJ or VSCode

How to build the artifact with dependencies?

  • Using a Build Tool, so there are special tools to build the artifact
  • These tools are specific to the programming language
  • For Java:
    • There is Maven and Gradle
  • For NodeJs Or JavaScritp
    • There are npm and yarn
  • What These tools do:
    • Install dependencies
    • Compile and compress your code
    • And can do some other different tasks

Build tools in Java

  • JAR or WAR file
  • Maven: Uses XML for configuration and is widely used for managing dependencies and building projects.
  • Gradle: Uses Groovy for configuration and is known for its flexibility and performance.
Tools Maven Gradle
Language uses XML Groovy
  • Which is more convenient for scripting and writing all those tasks for building the code or compiling etc.
  • Both have command line tools and commands to execute the tasks

Gradle commands to execute the Java file (Doing Hands-On)

This command will compile the code, resolve dependencies, and package the application into an artifact using Gradle.

./gradlew build

In the Gradle, we don’t need to configure how the JAR file is built.


Maven command to execute the Java file

Add this plugin to your pom.xml file:


The command will compile the code, run tests, package the application into an artifact, and install it into the local Maven repository.

mvn install


Build Tools for Development (Managing Dependencies)

  • It would help if you had the build tools also locally when developing the App
  • Because you need to run the app locally
  • run tests

Maven and Gradle have their own dependency files

  • Dependencies file = Managing the dependencies for the project

Where these Dependencies files lies:

  • For the maven its - pom.xml
  • For the Gradle it's - build.gradle

You need a library to connect your Java application to ElasticSearch

  • Find a dependency with name and version
  • You add it to the dependencies file (e.g. pom.xml)
  • Dependency gets downloaded locally (e.g local maven repo)

Run the application

Now let’s say we’ve built an artifact, stored it in the artifact repository, and copied it also on the server.

Now the question is how do you run the application with the artifact

This is the command to execute the .jar file for example:

// This example is for gradle
java -jar <name of jar file>

//This is an example of Gradle
java -jar build/libs/java-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
// This example is for Maven
java -jar <name of jar file>

//This is an example of Maven
java -jar target/java-maven-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

So if you are on a fresh server where and you have Java installed you can download the artifact from the repository and start the application using above commands.

Build JavaScript application

What about the JavaScrip Application

  • JS doesn’t have a special artifact type
  • So it can’t be built in ZIP or TAR file

So how do we build a js artifact file as a zip or tar file

These are the alternatives over Gradle and Maven in JavaScript

  • npm - much more widely used
  • yarn

These both contain package.json file for dependencies

npm and yarn are package managers and NOT build tools

These package managers install dependencies, but not used for transpiling JavaScript code or JavaScript artifact.

npm repository for dependencies : It refers to the npm registry, which is a public repository of JavaScript packages. It is used to find and install dependencies (libraries or modules) required for JavaScript projects.

Command Line Tools - npm

  • npm start - start the application
  • npm stop - stop the application
  • npm test - run the test
  • npm publish - publish the artifact

What does the zip/tar file include?

  • application code, but not the dependencies

When you Run the app on the server

  • You must install the dependencies first
  • Unpack zip/tar
  • Run the app

You need to copy the artifact & package.json file to the server to run the application

To create an artifact file from our node js application

npm pack
  • JavaScript world is much more flexible than the Java world
  • But not as structured and standardized

So the above is about nodejs a backed application but what about frontend application when it comes to package.

Package Frontend Code

Different ways to package this

  • Package fronted and backend code separately
  • Common artifact file

For example, if we have reactjs and nodejs application both in Javascript than we can have:

  • Separate pakcage.json file for frontend and backend
  • Common package.json file
  • Frontend/react code needs to be transpiled!
  • Browser don’t support latest JS versions or other fancy code decorations, like JSX
  • The code needs to be compressed/minified!
  • Separate tools for that - Build Tools/Bundler!

    e.g.: webpack

Build Tools - Webpack

Webpack is a build tool that bundles, transpiles, and minifies JavaScript and other assets for frontend applications.


It will transpiles, minified, bundles, compresses the code.

// install the webpack
npm install

// It is used to bundle or compress the javascript code
npm run build

Dependencies for Frontend Code

  • npm and yarn for dependencies
  • Separate package.json vs. common package.json with backend code
  • Can be an advantage to have the same build and package management tools

In case react has Java as a backend:

  • Bundle-fronted app with webpack
  • manage dependencies with npm or yarn
  • package everything into a WAR file

What are Build tools for other programming languages

  • These concepts are similar to other languages
  • pip package manager for python


Publish an artifact into the repository


You build the artifact you need to push it to the artifact repository

  • Build tools have commands for that
  • Then you can download (curl, get) it anywhere

NOTE: we don’t fetch or push the artifact like that because of Docker.

The two important things to understand related to these package managers and build tools that we use for different programming languages Docker and another CI/CS pipeline(Jenkins)

Build tools & Docker

With Docker, the need to create zip or tar files is reduced. Docker images can directly contain the application code, simplifying the deployment process.

  • With docker, we don't need to build and move different artifact types.
  • There is just one artifact type - Docker images
  • Now, we build Docker images from the application and we don't need a repository for each file type, no need to move multiple files to the server like package.json, no need to zip, just copy everything into the docker filesystem and run it from docker image.
  • Docker image is also an artifact
  • In order to start the application you don't need npm or java on the server, execute everything ( command to run the JAR or node application) inside the docker image.


NOTE: For the different Java and javascript applications - we don’t need to create zip or tar files anymore because of docker images because we can directly copy and paste the JS code files into docker image but we have to build the application

Docker file for Javascript


Docker file for java


Build Tools for DevOps Engineers

Why should you know these Build Tools?

DevOps engineers need to understand build tools to assist developers, automate builds, and manage CI/CD pipelines. This includes:

  • Developers install dependencies locally and run the application, but don’t build it locally
  • You need to execute tests on the build servers

    npm/yarn test

    gradle/mvn test

  • Help Developers for building the application

  • Because you know where and how it will run

  • Build Docker image ⇒ Push to Repo ⇒ Run on Server

  • You need to configure the build automation tool CI/Cd pipeline

  • Install dependencies ⇒ run tests ⇒ build/bundle app ⇒ push to repo

NOTE: You don’t run the app locally