Both Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater Absolutely Killed It in This Little-Talked-About Prison Drama
Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater star in Murder in the First, a prison drama inspired by true events involving Alcatraz criminals.

Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater are actors from the same generation and have had phenomenal careers spanning more than four decades. Audiences got to know Bacon in the smash dancing drama Footloose in 1984, whereas Slater rose to prominence after an unforgettable turn in the cult dark comedy Heathers a few years later. Since then, both have worked consistently in critically acclaimed movies and television shows. In 1995, however, they teamed up to make one of the decade's best films. The prison/courtroom drama Murder in the First is undoubtedly some of the finest film work both have been involved with. Directed by the late Marc Rocco (who also did his best work behind the camera of his career), it is a harrowing tale that gave Bacon, in particular, a meaty role that he could really sink his teeth into. And Slater has never been more front-and-center than in this period piece.