"Apex 2.0" is on the horizon, says EA boss, but it probably won't happen until after Battlefield 6
Sci-fi battle royale Apex Legends is due a "meaningful update" , according to the CEO of Electronic Arts, something he's called "Apex 2.0". To a normal person, adding a 2 to the end of your game's name is the sign of a sequel. But as the attendant decimal and zero suggest, it's not clear if that's exactly what he means. It could mean a revamp with new features, or some other new direction for the existing game. His later words do make it sound more like this is what EA have in mind. Or at least what they're prepared to tell folks in a financial report. Read more

Sci-fi battle royale Apex Legends is due a "meaningful update" , according to the CEO of Electronic Arts, something he's called "Apex 2.0". To a normal person, adding a 2 to the end of your game's name is the sign of a sequel. But as the attendant decimal and zero suggest, it's not clear if that's exactly what he means. It could mean a revamp with new features, or some other new direction for the existing game. His later words do make it sound more like this is what EA have in mind. Or at least what they're prepared to tell folks in a financial report.