Another Set of Bug-Fix Updates for ReSharper and Rider 2024.3 Is Here

The new bug fixes for the 2024.3 release are available to download.  ReSharper 2024.3.6  This build contains a fix for an issue where xUnit v3 tests resulted in Inconclusive: Test has not run when executed in under .NET Framework. [RSRP-499789] Rider 2024.3.6 Notable fixes For the full list of changes, please see our issue tracker.

Feb 28, 2025 - 18:25
Another Set of Bug-Fix Updates for ReSharper and Rider 2024.3 Is Here

The new bug fixes for the 2024.3 release are available to download. 

ReSharper 2024.3.6 

This build contains a fix for an issue where xUnit v3 tests resulted in Inconclusive: Test has not run when executed in under .NET Framework. [RSRP-499789]

Rider 2024.3.6

Notable fixes

  • We’ve resolved an issue where debugging sessions required several attempts to start. [RIDER-122725]
  • We’ve fixed macOS freezes related to Metal rendering in an updated JetBrains Runtime, addressing an issue with MTLRenderQueue.flushNow. A workaround is also available for older JBR builds — see JBR-5497 for details.
  • We’ve fixed a bug where duplicate items would appear in the Go to Symbol search results in Rider. [RIDER-121674]
  • We’ve fixed a problem with xUnit v3 tests resulting in Inconclusive: Test has not run when executed in Rider’s Test Explorer under .NET Framework. [RSRP-499789]
  • We’ve resolved an issue where Qodana would hang indefinitely when analyzing Unreal Engine projects in Rider. [QD-11011]

For the full list of changes, please see our issue tracker.