Another Set of Bug-Fix Updates for ReSharper and Rider 2024.3 Is Here
The new bug fixes for the 2024.3 release are available to download. ReSharper 2024.3.6 This build contains a fix for an issue where xUnit v3 tests resulted in Inconclusive: Test has not run when executed in under .NET Framework. [RSRP-499789] Rider 2024.3.6 Notable fixes For the full list of changes, please see our issue tracker.

The new bug fixes for the 2024.3 release are available to download.
ReSharper 2024.3.6
This build contains a fix for an issue where xUnit v3 tests resulted in Inconclusive: Test has not run when executed in under .NET Framework. [RSRP-499789]
Rider 2024.3.6
Notable fixes
- We’ve resolved an issue where debugging sessions required several attempts to start. [RIDER-122725]
- We’ve fixed macOS freezes related to Metal rendering in an updated JetBrains Runtime, addressing an issue with
. A workaround is also available for older JBR builds — see JBR-5497 for details. - We’ve fixed a bug where duplicate items would appear in the Go to Symbol search results in Rider. [RIDER-121674]
- We’ve fixed a problem with xUnit v3 tests resulting in Inconclusive: Test has not run when executed in Rider’s Test Explorer under .NET Framework. [RSRP-499789]
- We’ve resolved an issue where Qodana would hang indefinitely when analyzing Unreal Engine projects in Rider. [QD-11011]
For the full list of changes, please see our issue tracker.