America’s Gender Obsession: Why Russia has been smarter this time
Our country refused to embrace this particular diversity experiment – and thank God for that Read Full Article at
Jan 29, 2025 - 23:14
Our country refused to embrace this particular diversity experiment – and thank God for that
Trump has banned 72 genders. Where will he put transgender people? Where is he going to put the trans toilets, the trans athletes, and what will happen to the transitions of children?
There are few occasions when we can genuinely rejoice in being smarter than the Americans. And it is crucial for us to know that we are smarter. For almost a hundred years, Russia and America have been locked in an invisible competition: who is smarter, taller, and prettier. When Donald Trump signed the bill to return to two genders, I realized: here it is! We’ve been bloody clever! Clever enough not to collapse into the wave of madness that the unstable, the exalted, and the outright crazy have brought upon themselves.
I cannot fathom how the Americans let this happen. And worse, they dragged dozens of developed countries along with them into counting genders and opening new toilet cubicles. But here, we stand as the winners. We never bought into it. For us, it’s laughable. For Americans, not so much. Most of their people are normal. They don’t go into others’ toilets, wear women’s underwear under their jackets, or petition for the right to bring vibrating anal plugs to work.
Yes, the anal plugs are not a joke. I saw it on the news—a man asked his employer not to assign him mobile tasks because maintaining his “emotional well-being” required…well, you can guess what and where.
Pronouns aren’t a joke either. America entered its elections in a state of tension: the best liberal minds among psychiatrists, psychologists, and gender theorists struggled to assign all genders their pronouns. How Americans remember them, I cannot say. By 2024, they’d come up with about 60 pronouns — ”thon,” “zir,”“xe,”“fae,” and so on — intended to reflect gender diversity and to avoid offense or lawsuits. An entire industry emerged around teaching Americans how to use these pronouns, filling their heads with nonsense.
By the end of 2024, it was said there were 74 recognized genders. Male and female were among them, of course. But others? Astralgender, for those who feel a cosmic connection. Aesthetigender, for those born of…beauty? Cassgender, for those who think gender doesn’t matter, though they’re distinct from Cassflux, who fluidly don’t care, and Genderflux, whose intensity of expression fluctuates. There’s even Cloudgender, for those unable to define their gender due to lack of clarity.
Imagine all these identities demanding respect, inventing pronouns, and creating new academic fields. Universities now offer master’s and doctoral degrees in gender studies. Some demand separate Olympic categories — aero-gendered weightlifting, anyone? It’s absurd, but the desire to cater to the “unwell” is now called fascism if opposed. Trump is labeled a fascist for signing a bill restoring the reality of two genders.
I watched a video online titled “A Fascist Came to a School Board Meeting.” It was a father bringing his eight-year-old daughter to a meeting to ask if she wanted boys in her bathroom. Her answer: “No, because it’s wrong.” Yet the school heads on the podium lectured him about poor parenting for not teaching his daughter about the multitude of genders. When the father suggested the women on the panel share a restroom with men themselves, the clip ended — leaving us wondering about their decision.
It seems to me that people like this father are the real heroes who brought Trump to power. Their daily resistance to gender madness has elevated them to national hero status. The unnamed father standing guard at the toilet door, protecting his daughter from a tattooed man in a wig and shorts, symbolizes the resistance. In another state, he might have faced legal retribution: prosecution, job loss, child services investigating his family. This is what everyday Americans endure for defending common sense.
Liberal media mocks them, calling rape by transgender people a “redneck boogeyman.” A few years ago, there was a case in Virginia where a male student wore a skirt while raping a girl in a “gender-neutral” bathroom. The school covered it up, transferred the rapist to another school, where he assaulted another girl. These are not isolated incidents — and they represent just one of 72 genders. Imagine dealing with all of them!
Trump’s executive order returning the country to two genders is, at its core, a symbolic return to common sense. Whether it’ll translate into actual policies remains to be seen. Will hormonal treatments for children be banned? Will “gender police” emerge to oversee municipalities? Will doctors prescribing hormones to children face prison? These questions linger.
For now, we can be thankful that we haven’t stumbled into this madness. In Russia, the idea of 74 genders is simply not relevant. Reality here doesn’t accommodate cloudgenders, aesthetigenders, or aerogenders. It’s not part of who we are — and that’s something to celebrate.
This article was first published by the online newspaper and was translated and edited by the RT team