Age of Empires 4 is now receiving a double dose of DLC in 2025
Despite initially revealing that just one DLC expansion would hit Age of Empires 4 in 2025, World’s Edge has pulled a surprise from its sleeve. In a new blog post celebrating a huge new player milestone for the Age of Empires franchise and teeing up the year ahead, it’s now been confirmed that two Age of Empires 4 DLCs are in the works, with the first arriving in the spring. Continue reading Age of Empires 4 is now receiving a double dose of DLC in 2025 MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best RTS games, Best strategy games, Best 4X games

Despite initially revealing that just one DLC expansion would hit Age of Empires 4 in 2025, World’s Edge has pulled a surprise from its sleeve. In a new blog post celebrating a huge new player milestone for the Age of Empires franchise and teeing up the year ahead, it’s now been confirmed that two Age of Empires 4 DLCs are in the works, with the first arriving in the spring.