A look at Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in Paris and its aftermath; a source says more than half of Telegram's $1B revenue in 2024 came from its ad platform (Darren Loucaides/Wired)
Darren Loucaides / Wired: A look at Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in Paris and its aftermath; a source says more than half of Telegram's $1B revenue in 2024 came from its ad platform — The Russian-born CEO styles himself as a free-speech crusader and a scourge of the surveillance state.

Darren Loucaides / Wired:
A look at Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's arrest in Paris and its aftermath; a source says more than half of Telegram's $1B revenue in 2024 came from its ad platform — The Russian-born CEO styles himself as a free-speech crusader and a scourge of the surveillance state.