6 Expert-Approved Tips for a Calming Morning Routine
The pros agree: This is how you start your day off right.

Herbalists, neuroscientists, and physical therapists might have different approaches to health care, but when it comes to starting the day, they have a lot in common. If your goal is to support brain health, mental health, or sleep, pros have a few tried and true tips for a calming morning routine that will set your day up for success.
Why should you even attempt a routine? It turns out that just the act of establishing these must-dos can bolster well-being. Reuben Chen, MD, a sports medicine and pain physician specializing in longevity, says a relaxing routine prevents life or work tasks from hijacking the tone for the day. Routines can also help make positive lifestyle changes stick.
“Too many people wake up every day with a barrage of chores and responsibilities,” Dr. Chen tells Well+Good. “I try to go about as regular a [morning routine] schedule as possible. This helps my mind and body know what to expect first thing in the morning.”
The ingredients for this soothing schedule are simple but multifaceted. The routine should prep both the body and the mind for what’s ahead, explains Dr. Chen. You can also incorporate activities that promote a good night’s sleep since a restful slumber is the best foundation for your day.
We gathered tips from doctors, dietitians, wellness practitioners, fitness instructors, and other experts to see what they recommend across the board. These are the agreed-upon steps anyone can take for a calming morning routine.
6 steps for a calming morning routine
Whether you implement one or all of these tips, you’re taking steps to brighten your day. Now that’s a reason to get up in the morning!
1. Ease into it
Waking up when your body is ready, sans-alarm, provides a gentle entry into your day—that’s how neuroscientist Patrick K. Porter, PhD does it. While not many of us can do that —and if you are one of the lucky ones, how?!—you can choose your wake-up call method. Dr. Porter’s number one tip is to avoid anything jarring.
“One of the worst things you can do to your nervous system is wake up to a blazing alarm,” Dr. Porter says.
Instead, choose a soothing tone or something that provides additional or alternative cues, like the Hatch Restore 3 light alarm that mimics a sunrise or a Chilipad that changes the temperature.
2. Let the sunshine in
Speaking of light cues, sunlight is a natural signal to your brain and body to transition from sleepiness to alertness. Exposure to natural sunlight first thing in the morning also promotes a good night’s sleep by ingraining your circadian rhythm, or the natural times when your body wants to be asleep and awake. Sleep doctors recommend incorporating sunlight into your morning routine, so make sure to open your window coverings wide or take a few minutes to be outside.
3. Drink water
We understand the desire to mainline coffee as soon as you can, but do your brain and body a favor and hydrate with water instead of coffee first. Bodies wake up dehydrated, which can actually cause you to feel low on energy in the morning and throughout the day if you don’t drink up. Sleep expert Michael Breus, PhD, recommends drinking 20 to 30 ounces of room temperature water first thing. Pro tip? Get a water bottle that holds that much liquid, fill it up before you go to sleep, and leave it on your bedside table so you can drink that H2O throughout your morning routine.
4. Stretch and/or exercise
Staying in any one position for a long time can make our bodies feel lethargic and sore. The same is true for sleeping, which is why giving a big ol’ stretch when you wake up is such a natural impulse. There’s even a name for that iconic morning stretch: pandiculation!
“It’s an instinctive response that happens automatically,” says exercise physiologist Sharon Gam, PhD, CSCS. It’s how your body shifts from rest to activity, arousing the nervous system and honing your attention.
You can lean into this by extending that stretch-and-yawn with simple morning stretches designed to increase blood flow. Or, if you have time, you can use the morning as a time for some movement, whether going for a walk or going hard in a HIIT class.
Exercise wakes you up by releasing the stress hormone cortisol, which helps you feel alert, and neurotransmitters that make you feel good, like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. Peloton instructor Leanne Hainsby-Alldis ensures she gets the most out of those mood benefits by staying present, making her morning walks a phone-free affair.
5. Eat a yummy, nutrient-rich breakfast
Eating gets your metabolism fired up, which also makes you feel alert. Make sure your healthy breakfast is packed with the nutrient-building blocks of your day, which includes plenty of protein, fiber, and vitamins. Dietitians suggest incorporating foods with pre- and pro-biotics. Additionally, making breakfast a meal you look forward to can put a spring in your step. So don’t underestimate the importance of the yum-factor!
6. Journal or meditate
You’ve tended to your body, now it’s time to tend to your mind. Before switching to productivity mode, spend five or 10 minutes with yourself to take deep breaths and turn inward.
“It’s a time to reflect, be at peace, be prepared for the day ahead, and just give myself time to connect mind and body,” herbalist Rachelle Robinett says. “Carv[ing] out five minutes or 10 minutes to listen and tune in can be incredibly beneficial.”