5 Simple Tricks to Make Daylight Saving Time Suck Less
We "spring forward" March 9, but don't let your sleep quality fall behind.

Daylight saving time goes into effect March 9. Some people love the extended sunshine, while others loathe the loss of sleep. But what if we told you it didn't need to feel so draining?
Like jet lag, daylight saving time messes with your circadian rhythm, also known as your body's internal clock. While the hour difference isn't as extreme as major time zone shifts, you can use similar tricks to feel more awake, alert, and focused.
With a little preparation and some small adjustments, you can combat the time change like a pro. Here are our favorite hacks.
5 Ways to Boost Energy During Daylight Saving Time
1. Switch to Evening Workouts—at Least Temporarily
If you train in the morning, you're used to going to the gym in the dark. But with an extra hour of sun in the evening, it'll be difficult to feel tired at bed time and get your circadian rhythm in check. If you want to utilize the extra hour of sunlight after work, think about switching your workouts from the morning to the evening (at least temporarily).
Working out in the evening can increase strength, possibly reduce the risk of injury, and help you get better sleep.
A small meta-analysis comprising 23 studies, published in Sports Medicine, suggests evening workouts help people fall asleep faster and spend more time in deep sleep.
Here's the catch: Avoid vigorous activity an hour before bedtime. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) makes it harder to fall asleep and promotes poor sleep quality.
2. Expose Your Eyes to Morning Sunlight
One of the simplest (yet most impactful) tips experts have for improving mood, fighting fatigue, and improving sleep is early-morning sunlight exposure. Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman is a big proponent. All you need is five to 10 minutes if it's sunny and 15 to 20 if it's overcast.
"Viewing sunlight within the first hours of waking (as soon as you can, even if through cloud cover) increases early-day cortisol release (the ideal time for elevated cortisol) and prepares the body for sleep later that night," according to his site.
While it may be tempting to wear sunglasses, the lenses block UV and mitigate the circadian rhythm-regulating benefits.
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3. Change Up Your Eating Times
It might seem obvious to avoid caffeine too close to bedtime, but we all need that little reminder. It's also best to avoid eating right before bed (especially big, heavy meals) as this can cause disturbed sleep. If you're going to eat, keep it light and avoid sugary foods that cause your blood sugar to spike, then crash, as well as spicy foods that boost your body’s temperature.
4. Stick to a Sleep Schedule
Many people get shortsighted with "fall back," thinking the extra hour gives them carte blanche to stay up late. And when we "spring forward," the inclination is to sleep in—especially on weekends.
All this volatility with sleep and wake times mess up your circadian rhythm and create a "sleep debt" that takes a while to equalize.
Most adults need about 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep at night. This is all fine if you're the type of person who can sleep automatically when getting into bed, but if you find yourself tossing and turning, sticking to a scheduled sleep and wake time is helpful.
5. Consume Caffeine Strategically
A coffee nap is a brilliant hack to boost energy in the early afternoon. The buzzy trick went viral on TikTok and it's blissfully simple. All you do is drink your favorite caffeinated beverage—like a cup of coffee, shot of espresso, or 1-hour ENERGY shot (5-hour ENERGY's newest addition to help conquer daylight saving time)—and set a timer for 20 minutes. By the time you wake up, the caffeine will take effect, increasing alertness and performance. The results are better than either drinking caffeine or napping alone.